
You'll guys will never make it on this or any platform if you cry over someone unfollowing you.

Then you spam his comments? You guys should be flagged.

Whoa easy there turbo. It was a question, it wasn't spam like so many other comments I see. I am sorry if I offended you. At least I didn't give him a $0.01 upvote and then comment and upvote myself more than the original post. Not like I have enough power to do so, but I've seen other people do that and always thought that was poor etiquette.

My comment was a direct response to the blog post, also I only upvoted my self After I already received upvotes from others. (The purpose of up-voting is visibility.)

Maybe I could have worded my response to you better. (I'm not perfect lol)

But (to me) expecting an explanation on why someone unfollowed you is expecting too much, spammy and childish. (imo)

Good luck, be great!

All very fair. So I guess I do have a confession to make, I didn't really check out his profile before commenting. Many of the accounts that follow 10,000+ people are either bots, people just spamming for a few upvotes, or people plagiarizing. I should have looked into him rather than just trying to troll a troll, which it appears he is not. That was my mistake and I shouldn't have been such an asshole.

Good luck to you too buddy!

Hope that's a fistbump and not a punch to the face 😂

He just unfollowed me too...what sup?

Hmm, it seems he decided to go on an 'unfollowing' spree. He's down to a little over 2,300. My guess would be he followed a ton of people with no intention of interacting and just trying to gain followers. Smh

Bingo! I don't believe it is against the whatever.. too much work really..he would better serve this time in interaction. But like I say I don't think there is any rules I know of.

It was way too much work and not time well used. I was just so bored my first night on Steemit with an empty feed. But it didn't take long for my feed to become cluttered and useless, hence my unfollowing spree. Now I will focus on following active Steemians who speak my same language.

That makes sense to me. Thank you for the response!

@themightyvolcano looks like you know English and I am active..hey you do what you need to do. the best to you.

That's all I need to know. I was blindly unfollowing everyone to make my feed more useable. But active, quality, English speaking members will be followed again. Thanks.

Interesting, same thing just happened to me too.

When I first started here I followed many people just to fill my feed. Then my feed got so cluttered I could hardly use it. So I began unfollowing people to clean up my feed. I assure you it had nothing to do with you. I'll get back following more people soon. I'd love to hear what conclusions you are able to draw from your research. Thanks!

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