Oh no, Bitcoin is boiling the earth!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Trees love CO2, by the way

Now Crypto miners are the root cause of global warming.

DPOS anybody?

After a period of Bitcoin, BTC, acting almost like a stable coin, China accepting all Cryptos as a property and Ukraine going all the way on Cryptos, things should be Bullish. This cannot be ignored, after all the FUD {Fear, Uncertanty, Doubt}, the hoofs must be ready to run. Well, not quite, because even though a big financial player just bought the BitStamp exchange, there is always some publication ready to wipe all the memory of that good news away. Global warming, words with the destructive power of a VooDoo curse. Brace yourselves, there might be blood on the streets, as a figure of speech.

Bitcoin mining is supposed to heat up the earth by two degrees Celcius, that is about 3 and then something in Fahrenheit. That is some serious shit, we are doomed, bad Bitcoin, bad. What a timing, just when things finally seemed to go towards a Bull Run. It is all very speculative, every miner burning those kilowatts of power, releasing massive heat. And with every transaction extra it will get worse...!?

What the fuck!?

Wait a minute, that is just Bear Crap. The amount of transactions do not matter, it is the difficulty of finding the right hashcode what it is about. C'mon, is this research even to be taken seriously? "Yeah, but it was on Forbes man". So what? The article was not even that bad, the title just very suggestive. There is money to be made. And this shit sells, it is about Global Warming and about Bitcoin causing it, by itself, on its own, come on now, that is a hot topic. Heated discussions guaranteed.

Yes, I do think we, humans, do treat our enviroment badly. Like if an animal would take a dump at the same spot it eats, in that level of order of stupidity. And yes, I also think humanity is very well capable to self destruct before the year 2030. Believing we, as human beings, do not have an impact on our enviroment seems dangerously unrealistic to me even. But to take guesses at numbers and figures making estimations, well, not very scientific I'd have to say.

Calling for central control

And it is uncontrolable because it is decentralized... Noooo, sure, of course the banking system does work much better. Am I the only one who is smelling a fish gone bad here? Who says Bitcoin and the rest of the Cryptos wont innovate? If mining 16 TeraHashes per second eats 1.6 KiloWatt per Hour, would you not consider Free Energy and more energy efficient equipment?

That is a real economical incentive, lower costs, higher net profit, right? And the more energy efficient, the less energy is converted into heat. But even that is with the assumption Bitcoin, and other Cryptos, will keep using the same kind of POW mining. And Lightning Network might lower difficulty, or some other amazing invention will pop up. That is also a realistic way to look at it. The whole proces is not static, but dynamic.

LED there be light

Take for example the old fashioned light bulb. Some burning up to a hundred Watts of power and heating up the room in the proces. A very inefficient energy wasting source of light. It took some time, but then came the LED lights. Lasting much longer and got better in giving more light, in Lumen, using less energy. Who could have predicted this, say, 10 years ago? Some would, but not many.

In the 90's who'd expected most of us having a smart mobile phone that is way more powerfull than many older Personal Computers, yet use way less energy. These smartphones are even able to emulate those older computers, not breaking a drop of sweat. And still not burning your hands off while you use them. One of the first computers filled a room completely with Valves eating massive amounts of power.

Use DPOS, it just works

They must have already heated up the earth back then, by a few degrees. But no... Bitcoin and Cryptos... Hey, but did the banks not cause an economical crash, were saved by our money and just ripped us off again? Oh, yeah, sure, yes, bad Cryptos, bad Bitcoin. Have they not watched Open Source software evolve and innovate. Just like hardware evolves extremely fast. It goes at an amazing speed.

And if those Proof Of Work {POW} mining Cryptos really want to move ahead fast, then they could use DPOS. Delegated Proof Of Stake, it is fast, it can scale and it is energy efficient. Could Bitcoin and other Cryptos function like Bitshares, Steem, Whaleshares, EOS and many others? Well, I do not know. What I do know though is that humanity is very capable to self destruct, but also is able to evolve and innovate towards a healthy sustainable future.

May the Cryptos be with us!

Oh no Bitcoin, what did you do
Photo license cc-by-sa @oaldamster

This article is published on multiple blockchain based Social Media platforms under cc-by-sa license @oaldamster.

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