Wolf of Wall Street Hates Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Wolf of Wall Street Hates Bitcoin

Jordan Belfort aka Wolf of Wall Street Hates Bitcoin

Here is his 15 minute crazy talk against Bit Coin its a laugh haha Check it out at The Bottom

I had to share this and I can disprove his arguments BitCoin

Basically he say the government will not allow BitCoin

That is his main argument against it

Well Jordan its near 9 years and the government have not stopped it so what are you talking about if they where going to stop it they would have.

US government has profited from Bitcoin they sold them after Silk Road closed down

One government can ban but every government in the world will not.

Even if the worst case every country bans

Happy days illegal banned products have sky high premium like illegal drugs the price of an illegal BitCoin will Sky Rocket

People always want was is Illegal

The reality is that he loves fiat money and he hates BitCoin because it goes against what he loves US dollar the biggest Fiat Ponzi Scheme

And he just looks like a big cry baby because he is on the wrong team and he will lose

Jordan you are talk nonsense and history will prove you wrong

There is only one winner that BitCoin against the US dollar

Let Me know your thoughts and follow and comment Thanks


All this traditional market entrepreneurs hates bitcoin, for well-known reasons. I't wouldn't surprise me if we sometime see Bitcoin or some Alt-coins on wall street in the coming years. This is not a cryptocurrency movement, it's a world wide market revolution. Good post :)

I didn't knew that . Thanks for the information. This only supports more the point I'm trying to expose. Keep engaging :)

Yeah trading it. I wish I could do bitcoin options but I'm banned because I live in the USA. Maybe someday I might try and get a foreign address or something.

Thanks he really do hate it.He is angry at people getting rich off bitcoin what a joker needs to think again

I think he is nood mad at bitcoin millionaires. I think is most of, that his old method to become rich of the other people's money is not going to work anymore. JAJAJA

nice post thanks for sharing...l like your information

i like this post. your writing is very effective.
thanks for sharing

Interesting article!

Checkout @cryptobroye for more bitcoin info and analysis. Im sure there's a lot we can learn from each other!

Thanks I will check them

Cheers buddy :)

i guess he also didnt invest in btc when it was $! ,so his beefing the growth

Yeah he missed out

Hii @newmarket65 I'm your new follower

I can't believe that Jordan Said about hates Bitcoin... It's really hurted me... I just want to say that Bitcoin help for future and it's going improve day by day... Hope so, he can understand....

wow.thanks for information it is helpfull post..

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Thanks yeah thats what Steem is about sharing helping othere

Good post

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