
No i appreciate your feedback! It could certainly be a scam..

But this was my idea lol.. i think it can work.

Basically its like cloud mining.. everyone puts in money to buy mining power.. and the rewards are shared.

Please no one invest anything you can't afford to lose.. ill chuck in another 100 bucks or so and see how it goes.. will post results soon!

Probably a ponzi scheme that are going to shut down once they've made profit. Good luck with it though

Haha there is a good chance its a scam, i am willing to lose the 150USD i just put in.

Its all yours bit haul.. please be gentle with my mighty investment :P

It says i will make about $12 USD per day.. im getting lots of satoshi's counting up pretty quick now.. very cool.

My plan is to pull out my $150 investment as soon as possible and then reinvest my earnings for a while after that to build it up back up.

Then i will have no losses even it does fail.

Same as bit connect :)

But i think its an awesome idea.. my idea :P

trust me, once you've made the money back put none back in! I did that with a shitty site thinking I was making $50 a day. I made it for 4 days and they were gone.

Oh wow what site was this?

I have heard there is many ponzi schemes like this.

Although a ponzi scheme works by taking money from one person.. paying the next.

Eventually you run out of people to get money from and it fails.

Here if they invest the money into miners.. new funds will be CREATED.

So its a little bit different. Although that's if this company actually puts the money into mining.

That's what i planned to do.. it's profitable ;)

I forgot the name but it started with bit something, Your site is a ponzi scheme I think because how are you going to make your profit back in 12 days, If people have only deposited 5 btc. They would need to be mining on a pool with great hardware but I don't think they have it, they are just paying you out another persons btc.

Profit earning and withdraw works as promised, but it is too good to be true. Certainly a Ponzi scheme.

Yeah you could totally be right.

What my plan was, is to buy mining contracts automatically with the bitcoin.

So i just deposited $150 bucks.. that will generate $300 or so over 2 years in mining, with genesys mining.

Although im sure the ROI could be much better if you bought the hardware.

How long was the site up for btw?

Just a few days.. they grabbed some BTC and ran quick huh?

well it was 47 or so days but I put money in late

Yeah you know what.. i have now found like 50 of these sites lol.

Not exactly the same but very similar.

Btw the site say's it based in Lloyds London.. and has an SSL security.

Anyone know some good ways to check if its legit?

If they have an address, check it on google maps and see if it matches up. If it does not and you are planning to put a major investment in I can check the address for you on a spare day.

Good idea :)

I found this link on their website:

Checked google maps.. it shows the building but no identifying marks.

12 days i will have my original investment of 150 back.. and everything after that is profit :)

I must also say this..

I was told bitcoin was a scam, genesys mining, even ethereum.

Really hard to tell!!

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