Saudi Prince Alwaleed Does Not Believe In Bitcoin, Here's Why.. Wow. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Saudi Prince Alwaleed on CNBC earlier today said that he does not believe in Bitcoin because it is not supported by a central bank.

Even if you tried you could not even make this stuff up!

Wow... Question, has the Prince gone Full Retard? Lol.........

Greg Mannarino/Amerigo/Bitcoin webinar, Wed, Nov 1st, 9:00 PM EDT Register today. Click HERE:

Gregory Mannarino
me steem.png


Who cares what he believes, or doesn’t believe, facts are bitcoin is pulling in billions.he doesn’t have to like it, he doesn’t even have to accept it.
It’s here and it’s making people some nice returns, better than the stock market in my opinion.

Question, has the Prince gone Full Retard?

😂 The prince has gone Full Retard😂

Yes he has gone full retard!

I kindly urge you to witness the sheer tactical capability and immense insight of the country this half-civilized blob is ruling in :

Now since when Bitcoin is legal tender in Japan?
The future is Asian cause they don't shoot themselves in the foot.

It is enough that we believe

Yeah I don't believe in gravity either 😂😞

Saudi Arabia is part of the Petrodollar alliance. Pay no attention to this man behind the curtain.

It's more likely because DuBai has their own coin (DBIX)

this coin is only dubai by name, ts not owned by dubai government. you can name a coin any name you like...just like my username in steemit is okdubai....but my official name is not "okduba"...cheers bro


wonderful post..i like your post....

No, the prince has not gone full retard.

You know this little thing called the petro-dollar?
Well his life and livelihood rests on that.
His life works hand and hand with the central bank.

No central bank, no petro-dollar, and his luxurious life is toast.

It is just that our reality is different then his reality.
We are getting screwed by the FED, he is getting the benefit of that screwing.

Exactly. Bravo. Someone who finally gets it!

LOL! The Saudies are a joke!! On a serious note though, forget about bitcoin! Who needs bitcoin when we can have @smartcash :P

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