in #bitcoin5 years ago


Gregory Mannarino

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You better be right - because if Russia forms a alliance with China, then the US are done. The country with the biggest natural rescources and the country with the biggest manufacturing capacity and influence in Africa ect.
The USA can then stick their Petro-Dollar where the sun doesn't shine - if you want to buy something from Ruscina you have to pay in gold or something else with real value. And just watch how quickly the EU will become good friends with them, to keep the show running.
The only means of countering such a move for the USA would be its military might. But again - the US against Russia and China simultanously? What could go wrong then...

Russia is embedded with China, and have been burned by aligning with Obummer in the past and made out to be the bad guy. They have sold off the US Treasuries, and buying Gold hand over fist. Having no debt, gold, and natural resources......Russia will gladly watch the Titanic sink, the USSA.

Posted via Steemleo

Well, Russia and China have never been big buddies. Even in the old communist days. But I guess both of them trust the US even less. And probably for good reasons. Russia's problem is, that they don't have a manufactoring industry. And China hasn't got the resources that Russia has. So together they would be a perfect team.

I've been to Russia and witnessed some of their manufacturing, and you would be surprised at what they produce for the US aerospace industries such as titanium and aluminum parts/ raw material. One facility invested 750 billion in new manufacturing capability to increase efficiency , buying equipment from the USA. So partnerships are occurring between the US & Russia. But rare earths and natural resources are king.

Posted via Steemleo


DEAD WRONG! Greg, been following you for years and have great respect for you. But your theory doesn't hold water and is not aligned with the facts. So first, let me get this right, very rich Russia (amazing gold reserves, amazing energy reserves, no debt - practically ZERO US debt held by them) wants to align with the USA which is riddled with debt (25 T, 250T - whatever number you want to put on that). Yeah, Greg that makes TOTAL sense. You gotta be kidding me. I listened to all your points in your 2 videos of this morning and while a strategic alliance against China could make some sense, your arguments don't hold water. Look at Russia's ACTIONS over the past decade, especially those with China. Just last year, they held the biggest ever joint military drills. Russia has been providing a lot of energy to China NOT USING THE US DOLLAR. And there is also a huge pipeline from Russia to China. These are all verifiable facts. So, you're telling us that none of this matters? I personally challenge you to back your theory by first countering all the facts I just stated. Then, we will see if your theory can still hold water. I doubt you are up for the challenge. I think you will choose to ignore it because there is no way in hell you can counter them, putting emotions aside and opting for clear and critical thinking and reasoning of course. But, I love the discussion nonetheless my friend and still hold a tremendous amount of respect and thank for you and all the work you have provided over the years. God bless.

Always good to hear counter-arguments with is healthy conversation......sorry to the snowflakes who have to go to their safe spaces when their world crumbles around them.

Cheers to @libertyacademy for this thoughtful and well written analysis, lets continue this thought process.

Posted via Steemleo


I like Greg a lot. He is usually very rational and provides factual statements and proof of all the wrongdoings by the Fed et al. going on. But, there is almost zero proof now. Makes me wonder a lot and even makes me a bit suspicious.

You know he is a 32 (or 33rd?) degree Freemason eh? (not saying they are all bad, and I tend to believe Greg as being one of the good ones, but history clearly demonstrates that many of them did not have the best interest of the masses through their actions, certainly not excluding many former US Presidents such as Truman and many others. Just a thought worth pondering...

My bet is all three powers are working for the same ultimate cause. World government is the goal. All govenments bow to the same master. “Geopolitics” is a giant show to ge us there while killing off and enslaving as many of the plebs as possible along the way. Good luck everyone. Stay present.