@nijeah has attacked my new web site. Attorneys are being activated.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Earlier today, I saw @nijeah's question "Where did your site go?" and thought he was wondering if something had happened to it.

Looked into it, saw it had gone down twice for about 15 minutes each time. Answered him that the hosting provider had a hiccup, and it's back.

Then I saw another user viciously attacking him in the comments of my above post. So I looked further, and saw that he said he would write the script, and target "the true offenders" (e.g., us) with it.

Then I checked his blog, and he has admitted to taking destructive actions which are actionable!


So then I let the hosting provider know about that post, and left this comment there:

It's good that @nijeah has all day to discuss his actions with my attorneys and the judge.

Also note that I have no intention of "doxxing" anyone. But, I will respond to threats and attacks with the legal system where appropriate. I did not determine that the attacks so far on the Steemit blockchain have been actionable.

However, this attack -- which has affected my hosting provider along with every site hosted on that shared server -- does appear to be actionable.

So we will see how this next episode in the drama plays out over the next few days. My attorneys may be on vacation, but I'll leave a message.

Developing News

In addition, I've now got a Python script which can watch the blockchain both forwards and backwards in time for certain events. Thanks for furthering my motivation, @nijeah, and perhaps buying my next house!



thats sad :(

That's grimey. Somebody is major jelly of you.

Wow, even after being warned of potential legal actions, he's still attacking my site.

At 2:45 pm it came back after 15 min.
At 3:08 pm it came back after 16 min.
At 3:43 pm it came back after 22 min.
At 4:26 pm it came back after 11 min.
At 4:38 pm it came back after 11 seconds.

Looks like my hosting provider is learning from these attacks, which are being recorded.

Shopping for a house now. :)

Can you buy a big property? I can build us both homes. Seriously.

The "hosting provider" must be a young kid to not be able to defend against a denial of service from over consumption.

I never admitted to any "attack". But if the webserver that is harassing another user on Steem went down, I guess I wouldn't be upset.

hopefully something in the country for @countrylover :)

Keep up the good work @libertyteeth you are appreciated here.

I hope that this war will end as soon as possible and u come back as usual write about crypto

Probably not. He will be consumed by the #flamewar for eternity.

And maybe he should learn how to host and defend a webserver before posting harassing content.

Lawyers have been activated.

Thank you very much for presenting us this valuable information

Every community needs a good Soap Opera.

hhh, what a desperate attempt he made this nijah dude, justice always takes it course don't worry, and blockchain is totally secured and well constructed so no worries

Wow it's a really nice presenting of your post.
Thanks for share.
giphy (6).gif

Stop spamming

No i'm not spammimg.i write comment other post.but i don't know how to write this comment in the post.
PLEASE don't call spamer. I am not spamer

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