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RE: What's Going On With Bitcoin And The Market???

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Thanks for the helpful advice. I haven't had much time the last few days to read about crypto (setting up an alternative energy solutions business and we have a to do list which involves more than crypto!), and your succinct article has given me a good insight into the wild price rise the last few days. Thanks for the BTC HF thinking. Cheers!


Thank you for the thoughtful comment :) I'm glad I was able to sum up everything for you! The last few days have been crazy in the crypto market and people are panic selling. I figured I would give some good insight as to why it's happening. People forget that these are the best times to buy. I'm just waiting a little bit longer to get some cheap coins then reap the rewards in a couple of months. I hope your alternative energy solutions business does great! I know how it is juggling multiple things at the same time, at least you're doing what you can. I'm just happy I could help :)

Oh boy. I seem to have replied to my reply instead of yours. This Wednesday is looking more and more like a Monday as it wears on :-)

Lol I've done that a couple times as well. You're right about combining the real world and blockchain together in order to create more seamless contracts. It's a faster alternative and one that's more efficient. I'm sure we'll see more of this moving forward and have no doubt they're here to stay. Thanks for the great responses!

Back atcha! 😊 😊 😊

Hee hee - I see a typo now...that was supposed to be "ride", not "rise". Serves me right for trying to respond on my phone first thing in the morning. Eish, as we say in South Africa.

Thanks for the supportive words around getting the business set up - really appreciate it. Entrepreneurship/startup could have a completely different flavour if we can incorporate intelligent thinking around crypto/blockchain/IoT solutions and smart contracts. Trying to get both the "real world" and blockchain streams going at the same time so they can "talk" to each other, if that makes sense. So indeed, some insight into why BTC is dropping off a cliff is helpful. And yes, a good time to consider some buying for longer term investment purposes.

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