Bitcoin, Beer, and Tokyo: BTC Geocaching with Takara for iOS, Bitcoin ATMs, and the Two Dogs Taproom, Roppongi. (Japanese subtitles)

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Three of my favorite things in the world: Bitcoin, beer, and Tokyo.

Join me as I make my way around Tokyo collecting geocached BTC via the Takara app for iOS, drinking beer, and using a Bitcoin ATM for the first time.

Peace, Love, and Anarchy.


Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist residing in Niigata, Japan.


Cool video. I work in Roppongi and can't believe I never knew there was a Bitcoin ATM around there! Going to have to make a point of stopping by the Two Dogs Taproom sometime soon to try it out. My daughter likes geocaching too, so that Takara app looks like the perfect way to idle away a weekend. Wonder if there's any Bitcoin hidden in my part of Tokyo...

They're all over Tokyo. I am actually heading down for a short trip on Tuesday. If you'd like to/are able to meet up for a quick drink or lunch let me know. Not sure exactly what my schedule is yet. If not I will stash a Bitcoin drop somewhere for you to find!

Lunch on Tuesday sounds good. I could meet you in Roppongi close to my office for my lunch break. Is there a way to contact you privately to arrange the details?

Do you use Steem chat? If you can give me your handle I can send you a private message there.

I just signed up for it. My handle on there is also cryptomancer.

That was fantastic! I woke up this morning and just got a sweet tour of Tokyo. Thanks Graham!

there is an interesting turn of events. now when i upvote i get to decide the percentage of my upvote. i dont know what to think of it. more freedom?

Yep. Now we have the same ability as the whales to adjust it. I was trying to figure out how that will effect things. If I become stingy, and everybody else also lowers their power, what happens? Is there an incentive for voting full power? I guess it is choosing which stuff you really value and want to push to the top. How does the market and karma balance this thing out? Questions, questions. My guess is ultimately it's a good thing. More choice, more power, no?

Good questions. Someone should do a post on the deeper ramifications of these things. I'm always going to vote with 100%. For me it's an all-or-nothing process. I either feel like giving an upvote or I don't. I guess if you're a whale it matters more, but it'll be quite a while before I have to give it any conscious thought.

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