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RE: Bill Gates on Cryptocurrencies

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I have to tend to agree with him. You have to understand that Bill does not have the time to look into Gridcoin let alone Potcoin SexCoin or the 1000s of existing and daily created block-chains and digital currency but obviously is familiar with Bitcoin and The Silk Road. Cash is non anonymous each bill has a serial number and if you posses it than it can be attached to you as possession is 9/10ths of the law. You can track money and ive seen bills since the 80s stamped with tracking where the 80s it was write this address and tell me where this bill is now with people trying see where the bills in their pocket end up threw their journey before being put in a shredder when retired from the ever so wonderful federal reserve. Also yes IS/ISIS/ISIL and the Senoao Cartel and plethora of Mexican cartels are converting USD in BTC and then it doesn't have to be packed in gas tanks and compartments in cars let alone traveling overseas via the inter-webs and then re-exchanged for paper moneys so they don't have the massive $150-500k USD ceased at the boarders. Hell ISIS was/is using the Play Station Network vs cell phones for voice communication. I very much see and agree with Bill and there are facts the back him up its not just his opinion. I know when you really support something opinions can be biased and a little closed minded. I personally had 2 friends overdose from silk road purchased heroin that was cut with fentanyl and it only takes a pindrop of that to smoke and get high so imagine a larger raw dose ( it comes in a dermal patch ) and cutting heroin with it not only gives the high a boost but adds weight thus expanding the normal profit made. Humans are greedy and we love drugs , we don't want to feel and BTC and the Silk Road made it so easy for people to get numb and its still going on today where people use crypto currency to purchase drugs. So you have to look at it this way , bill don't give a shit about steemit and cryptocoin talk reading the flame wars of reddit etc and maybe if you think he is uneducated feel free to learn him some digital currency... Also do remember the man said 640k would be more than enough ram for any computer use or need ever , Oh how I miss my IBM-PC JR...

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