Bitcoin should logically go to $300 000 in the next bull run

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I am not much of a financial predictor, but if we look at the history of the Bitcoin price and the ups and downs we experienced, the next stop in all likelihood should be between$30 000 and $300 000.

To clarify my statement, this is only if we look at the history and take no other influences into the equation.

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I haven't written any post on Steemit for about 10 Months. This morning however I decided to give it a go again and try to write more frequently. The one thing about Steemit that I enjoy most, is the friends I have made from around the world.

MOst of us are experiencing difficulty within the current market and as a result reading various articles on the future of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency markets. I am a firm believer that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are here to stay and is the future of money as we know it. There is still a lot of water that needs to run under the bridge from an adoption point of view, but this will change.

There is a lot of talk around ETF's and the likes, but in my opinion that is not what will ensure mass adoption, but the subject of mass adoption is a post for another day. The cryptocurrency markets are starting to be influenced more and more by the announcements and crypto media. This in my opinion is a very good thing as there is forming more structure in the market and reasons for price fluctuations. However, at this point in time, BTC and other crypto markets are driven mainly by speculators. When we look at the fear & greed indicator index, it shows clearly that the general market sentiment is at a very low point, which influences the way that traders speculate.

Image Credit I check the fear and greed index regularly to check in on the market sentiment.

Why do I think the BTC price should hit $300 000 in the next bull run?

The current bull market we are experiencing is nothing new to Bitcoin. We had many ups and downs before. I am sure that we have all heard that history repeats itself and if we look at the ups and downs of specifically the BTC price we might be in for a great 2019.

Lets take a look at the major Ups and Downs in the history of the bitcoin price.

BITC up and DOwn.png
Image Credit

We can clearly see that BTC has had major crashes in 2010/2011, 2013, 2015 and we are currently experiencing a new low.

What we see from the history is that each time Bitcoin came back vigorously after a market crash. The percentage it came back with ranged from 1600% to close to 50 000%. It is obviously not possible to predict the exact percentage BTC will come back with this time. We can also not say over which time period this will happen, but I am comfortable that we will see another great rise in the Bitcoin price during the next bull run.

If we only look at 10 000% rise, working from the current price of Bitcoin of around $3200, we are already looking at $320 000. There is obviously many many aspects which will influence the future of Bitcoin, but just looking at the history, there is definitely hope for a great future in Crypto Trading.

This is my own opinion and by no means any financial advice as I am not a financial expert by any means.

What I will say is:
Buy Low!
Sell High!
Enjoy the ride

For some reason, a lot of non-crypto people Buy high! and sell low! when the market crashes...LOL

Happy Steeming!


That would indeed be great. Thanks for the comment @hennessy

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Would make me a happy flipstar

Let`s see what crypto 2019 will be. Mentally I am preparing that the market continues like this till 2020 and the next halfing

I think we will all be happy @flipstar ;) I do believe that there is just to strong hands in crypto who will lose too much if we have a low price like this. In my opinion, we will see a great rise in 2019! Let's give each other some "hopium" LOL. Thanks for the repy!

I am all about this hopium :-)

I just became your 4000th follower ... :)

well looking at the current trend that looks a dream but can happen maybe

I am sure that is what people thought in 2010/2011, 2013 and 2015. Let see how this one plays out.

I hope you're right. :-)

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