So is it GEE going to reward me?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Well, to answer this question, let me make an appeal to your imagination and invite to travel with me in time, but not twenty years like in some movie. No, just a couple of months is enough. It all started in October 2017 when a sixteen years old boy was searching the internet for ideas to make some money. While all of his friends was trying to study hard and wish for some great job interviews, our boy was staying all day long in front of his computer studying the crypto market, because at the time this idea was very attractive to him. So he run from ICO to ICO, from project to project, and one day he was reading some cool features about the Geens Project - Privacy Focused Blockchain Timestamping Office. What was following from that point in his life, you will find out as you read the next part:

02.01.2018: On a street downtown, a sixteen years old boy is staring at a bright yellow house's window with his phone on his hand. Inside the house, two men are sitting around the table, arguing about some document they need to sign. The boy knock three times at the door and go inside. Without saying a word, he starts taking pictures to the house using his smart phone. One of the two men ask him to get out, but the boy seems to be too busy to listen and ignored him. Finally, he go outside the house, and take a selfie with him and the house, when somebody run to fast in the background, carrying a heavy red bag. The boy took the selfie and went home.

03.01.2018: Our boys just wake up and turn on his smart TV, when it happens. All over the news they are talking about a robbery that took place downtown, where a man broke into a store and stolen a large amount of money. The witnesses said the thief was carrying a heavy red bag to transport the money, but none of them was able to identify him, 'cause his face was cover during the robbery. The boy took his phone and start walking to the police station. When he arrived there, he took his phone, open the GEENS app and show the selfie he took one day earlier to the police officers. In the background, there was the man running with the heavy red bag, right one meter near the boy. Based on the photo the police was able to identify the thief. One minute later, the boy was staring at his phone. One police officer asked him about a reward for his helpful gesture, but the boy was too busy. On his screen phone was written in big letter: "Your GEENS bounty no. 129 was successfully claimed. Your balance was credited with GEE coins. Happy hunting!"

17.01.2018: It is five o'clock in the morning. The boy hear some strong noises in front of his house. He goes outside to check, but quickly return in his room to take his phone. Outside, his father is speaking very nervous about some drunk drivers hitting his brand new car. The boy looks at his father's car and see it has some serious damages. He take the phone, open GEENS app and start making pictures. Ten minutes later, the cops show up, asking question about the accident, but the father doesn't know much, all happened while he was still sleeping in the house, the drunk driver run away before he had the chance to see him.

21.01.2018: The phone is ringing. The boy answer. There is the car insurance company, asking to speak with his father. There seems to be a problem with his car repair, and they ask more money for more unnecessary improvements of the car. The father is really angry, but the boys take his phone, go the the car service showroom and ask for the manager of it. When the manager comes, the boy is starring at his phone. On the screen, there is written with big bold letters: "Your GEENS bounty no. 130 was successfully claimed. Happy hunting!" The manager realize that the boy has the real proves for the car's damage, and call the father to explain him the misunderstanding form earlier that day.

30.03.2018: The boy is ridding his bike downtown, when he hear about something strange. In front of the bright yellow house two men was arguing and fighting. The police was also there trying to calm them down, without big success. One man claim that he is the owner of the house and he rented the house to the other man involved in the fighting, and the second one did not pay any money for the house since the beginning of their contract, but even destroyed and damage the house with good willing and now he refuses to pay him the debt and the repairs. Meanwhile, the second man is trying to explain to the cops that he doesn't know anything about a contract, that he just moved into the house and found it as it is, so he doesn't have any guilt. So they continue to argue, when the boy take his phone out and log into his GEENS app. Ten seconds later, the boy is explaining to the cops that he has prove that he was in that house in 02.01.2018 looking for a "bounty". The cops do not understand what bounty the boy is referring to, but they see the pictures in his phone. As he claimed, the boy was there in that day, taking pictures of the house, and the two men where right there in the pictures. Even more, one picture show a signed contract, with their names on it. Problem solved, but one again, the boy was just staring at his phone. On the screen, with big letters: "You did it again. Your GEENS bounty no. 274 was successfully claimed, check your balance account for more info!!!"

28.06.2018: In front of the biggest car dealership in town, a sixteen years old is taking pictures of a brand new super car. One minute later, a man in suite is coming towards him, bringing the keys. But once again, the boy was just sitting there looking at his phone. On the screen... you already know what it was written: "Congratulation on your new acquisition. You still have some GEE remain into your account, even after paying for the car. Happy hunting!"

Well, if you started to make and idea about timestamping use cases and wanna find our more about it, join our boy in a hunting adventure and become a part of our token sale here:



great story, great article! we'll se a lot of blockchain companies and ideas that will bring value more and more

Great plot. I love how you came up with a story to describe the project. Keep up the good work.

This post has received a 15.00 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @jackandrew. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at

Good project, and it has a referral program also when bringing friends into the network.

This post has received a 14.29 % upvote from @kittybot thanks to: @jackandrew.

Thanks for the post.
I signed up for Geens on November 10th
I have 100 tokens in my wallet, but at the bottom of the page there's a notice that I got those 100 token by referring 2 members (50 each).

I completed the Facebook and Twitter bounty, and although the system says one will be credited within 24 hours, my claim is still pending.
Other claims (like the article bounty and the other bounty) are still pending too.

I was just wondering if you have received your free bounty tokens, because this makes me feel uncomfortable about the platform

Hi, yes I have received all my gee tokens, from registration and also from my work on their bounty campaign, but as it turned out, the project has not reached the soft cap, so the project is closed for now, they said it will come back in the future, so my tokens will remain in my account until then.

proyecto interesante para mantener en la mira

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