Gyromodel Valuation Patterns of CryptoCurrencies: Win Everything Ever, Sometimes.

in #bitcoin7 years ago


This is the most important thing you ever need to learn about trading in cryptocurrencies. It is, by the way, very specific to Crypto and Blockchain assets, but I have also found that, for at least three minutes this morning, it also worked on Sorghum Futures, sort of.

I present to you the charting technique today known Gyromodel Valuation Patterns.

If you haven't heard of this technique, don't feel discouraged or out of the loop. It's not in any single book or article. It is, in fact, a newly rediscovered ancient technique that was likely first used in the mid-sixteenth century by the inhabitants of Sandy Island, New Caledonia (hereafter referred to as SINC). Consisting of an almost totally oral culture, the advanced market techniques used by the SINC Civilization were lost with the steady migration of the SINC people to Beatosu and Goblu, and their assimilation into the dominant culture.

However, as fate would have it, in the early 1990's, while researching the travel routes of Columbidae, scholar Jakob Maria Mierscheid found himself coming across the same information, or what seemed to be pieces of a larger whole, regarding Gyres, Chirality, and Gyro Transversions. Unfortunately, when Mierscheid was elected to a position of substantial power, it seems he abandoned his attempt to piece together the information he had found in a logical way.

Mierscheid in the Face of Adversity

The next appearance of this information, though, appears to show that Mierscheid abandoned, but did not forget, the SINC cultural treasures that he had discovered.

Seemingly out of nowhere the 2012 issue of "Life" (a peer-reviewed journal published by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) included an article by a relatively unknown microbiologist titled Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life.

This article was received with very little fanfare or publicity. It was, to be frank, largely ignored, which is not surprising insofar as the article's author had no background in market analytics or technical analysis of financial instruments. He had clearly come upon (whether by accident or through direct communication with Mierscheid) all of the source material compiled by Mierscheid, but had misinterpreted the information as a theory of physics and biology.

"Note the repetitive yet chirally oscillating nature of gyrosystems." - Dr. Erik D. Andrulis

It was, therefore, a financial analysis treasure completely hidden in plain site.

Until now.

I know that prior to this I have extolled the Philtrumocado Correlation Method, however, circumstances being as they are, have led me to use this newly redacted analytical tool, not as a replacement for the detailed study of the rancid piece of avocado on the indentation between my Aunt's nosetip and upper lip, but, rather, as a secondary verification of the more detailed transversions of the market's movements.

Most importantly, and the reason about which I am practically giddy with delight, is that although working out the theory was as complex a task as I have ever set-upon, it's beauty, as was well-known by the SINC civilization, is in the simplicity of it's practical application.

And because my interest lies only in the enrichment of those who would work and honest day's labor to enrich themselves, I am, right here, going to give you the one piece of information needed to use Gyromodel Valuation Patterns as an invaluable tool in your daily technical analysis of the cryptocurrency and (sometimes, sort of) sorghum commodities markets.

In fact, you can glean this information solely from the GraphChart Graph which I have charted in graph form in the beginning of this post, but rather than leaving you guessing, I thought it would only be fair to give you the information outright, so you can start the first day of the rest of your life, right now, this instant.

All you need to know is this:

If the Gyro Transversion is at or above 19 by the time it reaches its Quarternary Chirality, then any future Transversion until and at Tachyon will either be (a) stable at 19, (b) up between 19.01 and 50, or (c) down between 0 and 18.99.

And that's it!

Yes! It really is that simple! (Just be sure to always remember that the value of the numerals on the Y-axis are not reflective of price or dollars, but are representative of Gyro Unit Fractional Functions).

Feel free to print off this chart and plug in your values as you form your strategy and then trade. You will find that no matter when you start your back-testing of the strategy, whether after three minutes or thirty years, the points on your chart will always closely correlate with (and oftentimes exactly match up with) the movements of the market.

And since we're all in this together, feel free to share your own charts after your success here on Steemit, on Twitter, or on other social media! Together we can start the Gyromodel Valuation Pattern Revolution!


Daily Bitcoin Philtrumocado Correlation = Aunt in bathroom. Avocado in toilet. Aunt eating new Avocado on toilet. Expect BitCoin to spiral downwards but then retrace back up to the price-point nosetip.

Disclaimer: No advice ever given by me, here, or anywhere else, is reliable, or, even real. If you needed this disclaimer, buy a savings bond.


For goodness sake @ilt-yodith, change one of your 4 flags to #funny

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