Cometh The Hour - Cometh The Coin!

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Steve Jobs was a genius inventor who created the Iphone that provides a computer in our pockets, and access to the whole wide world at the touch of a button.

He is also famous for inventing a product that no one knew they wanted, but now can’t do without – The iPad.

I remember at the time of its launch thinking Steve Jobs has made a boo boo this time. Its just a laptop. Who needs another laptop!

People rarely know they want or need a new type of technology that may make their life easier or richer… until it is dumped on their laps.

In the days when the only way of getting around was by horse, automobile pioneer Henry Ford is believed to have said: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

This video – admittedly filmed in 2015 - gives an insight into people transport before the horseless carriage. I remember one such ‘pony and trap’, as they were called, in our village. It was the 1930s and the first motor car or two were starting to appear on our country road.

Click the image to enjoy this 'clippity clop, pony & trap' video ride to jaunty music.

And in the same vein -

“The Internet? Bah!”,

In 1995 that was the heading of an article in Newsweek

It told why the World Wide Web would be a total flop.

Cynical & sneering in tone it said –

Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms. They speak of electronic town meetings and virtual communities. Commerce and business will shift from offices and malls to networks and modems. And the freedom of digital networks will make government more democratic - We Say -Baloney.

Director of the MIT Media Lab predicts that we’ll soon buy books and newspapers straight over the Internet - Uh, sure.

Then there’s cyberbusiness. We’re promised instant catalogue shopping – just point and click for great deals. - In Your Dreams

We’ll order airline tickets over the network, make restaurant reservations and negotiate sales contracts - Yawn

But like Newsweek - Most people, the mainstream media and the masses they serve, do not foresee what comes next. And they never will.

It illustrates an important point about the way the world works…

Not many people in 1995 or the years that followed would have thought to stake a small sum in the pioneering companies that could see the internet’s future… as the single biggest market-place in history.

But those that did take that step have made ‘generational money’ from their gargantuan Google, Netflix, Amazon or Ebay gains.

Why? Frankly, it’s hard to see it coming!

When it comes to technology you have to escape this Faster Horse Thinking - Shut it out.


You need to ask yourself ‘What if’…

What if this Henry Ford chap is right about the horseless carriage?

What if the internet DOES revolutionise banking, retail and communication systems?

What if cryptocurrencies DO go on to replace the traditional financial system?

Now we’re at the rub of it.

Cryptos will put your Faster Horse reflex to the test.

Because everywhere you look, the mainstream media are once again looking at a revolution through the smallest of lenses… just like they did with the internet.

“Bitcoin will end at ZERO” – Jordan Belfort
“Bitcoin risks crashing to $900” – Bloomberg analyst
“European Union watchdogs warn of crypto pricing bubble” – Economic Times

There are many more examples of such doom-mongering. But it’s just noise.

Instead listen to forward thinkers like Henry Ford and visionaries like Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Freeman.

Nine years before the inception of Bitcoin, Friedman said the following in an interview:

“I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing – an alternative to the existing financial system”

‘Ta Da’ – Enter Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency!


I obviously agree that Cryptocurrency can make big changes to the financial system; it's one reason I am here on Steemit every day! There are some who will see what is happening but will not avail themselves of the opportunity it provides, for one reason or another. But being here on Steemit is a great way to see what is happening and what is available to us.

By the way, I assume you have heard about the Byteball airdrop? All Steemit members have been offered some dollar amount of Byteball tokens based on our reputation. Since yours is in the 50s, your airdrop reward is $40 worth. Both @steevec and myself, as well as @steemitblog, the official Steemit blog, have written about it. You may have done the procedure to get yours already, but if not, its not too late. If you have any questions, please see my post and if you have further questions, feel free to email me or contact me here or on my post. :)

Thank you Kenny. I hadn't noticed the Byteball airdrop.I appreciate your mentioning it. Will click on your link and set it up.


I hope you get some of this free money! it's not super easy to go through the procedure but it's not that hard either. Once you get the wallet installed, you will need to have someone send you some bytes which you will need in a later step to send to Byteball to pay the transaction fee. I'll happily send you some bytes once you get the wallet installed and find your Byteball wallet address.

Any questions, please ask. Have a great weekend!

Thank you. Have just downloaded the programme - will be in touch re the bytes.

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