BTC Market Watch 6-18-18

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I wrote about a slightly bearish inside bar, and we can see how that has played out now.

Here was the daily chart set up:


As we can see now, we indeed got our bear break on the double coiling inside bar.


Now that we have gotten our breakdown, we need to take a new look at what the game plan from here should be.

We are currently holding our support at 6427 fairly well. As the volatility continues to decrease on the daily chart, a breakout, or breakdown will need to occur sometime in the near future.


One of the most important things I am closely watching is a cloud cross approaching as a lagging indicator in the near future.


Unfortunately, lagging indicators won't help much with making a trade, except that we can expect some sort of bullish rally is coming to BTC at some point in the near future. As far as the daily chart goes though, this is about it for clues, so if you traded the bear break, great, if not, there is not enough information here to enter a new trade based on the daily chart. To describe how bearish this chart really is right now, the price is currently at 6438, with a lower low, lower high pattern. In order to break this structure, a bullish move all the way up to 7794 would be needed in order to argue a trend reversal.


When you look at that, its pretty easy to see that a rally of that magnitude is realistically unlikely. So if you were to trade based only on the daily chart, I would be in a short position, or shorting the lower high. With that in mind, lets dive into the smaller time frames.

Here is the 4 hour chart:


A very different picture here, with lower high's, and higher lows, the 4 hour chart is suggesting volatility in either direction is approaching. Now to bring in the big guns.


This paints a very clear picture to me. Here we have extremely tight 4 hour bands, a larger move is coming. Should that direction be up, the upper band and the cloud are likely to provide extremely strong resistance. Couple that with the daily chart bearish pattern, and these bands are likely to expand with the price moving in the downward direction. Right now what I see when I read this particular chart is that the support level of 6427 is attempting to hold, but as the volatility decreases, we are eventually looking to breakdown to the next support level at 6-6.1k. Here is how I currently see this chart playing out.


For me, the bullish move is negligible compared to the possible bearish move forming. This is a trade setup I am indeed interested in watching closely for clues to exactly when this breakdown will occur. To add more evidence to this possible trade opportunity, I would go back to the daily chart inside bar, and the current structure of the daily chart. With the larger trend on my side, clear evidence of strong resistance only $100 dollars above the current price, and at least a few hundred before the next support level, this is a risk/reward opportunity I am interested in.

Finally, to take a look at the hourly chart. Right off the bat, this pattern jumps out at me.


I won't go into too much detail about it, except that breaking that neck line could easily provide the momentum that I see coming in the 4 hour chart.

A very clear trend line can also be seen on the hourly chart you could use to your advantage. Just look at how well established this trend line has become.


Generally, when I see something like this, I would look for a descending wedge pattern. But I see no such pattern. The 6427 support has not held true enough to be used as the bottom support for a wedge pattern. You could certainly argue a wedge pattern like this:


With a wedge like that, it is only telling you a breakout, or breakdown is setting up. Considering the trend, and the trend line in this wedge, the resistance has proven much more exact. Say we even do breakout to the upside from that wedge, I think it's likely to be a head fake. Why? Well, no sooner do you pop out of the wedge that you run right into the 50 EMA on the 4 hour chart that has conveniently shown up right as the wedge comes to a close.


Say we dump all the way to 6k, would we actually find support there? I think so. Take a look at this possible bullish butterfly that would verify the D point starting at 5947.


This says to me, that if indeed a dump is setting up to occur, a SMALL bullish position could be started around 6k, and slowly scaling in as we dump deeper into the upper 5k's. This could be an easy trade to catch a bounce to 6100 again. This is of course only IF this pattern comes to develop over the next day or two. We will have to keep our eyes peeled for it.

Thanks for reading,


Please leave me an upvote, and remember this is not trading advice.


Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Bro, I am loving ur analysis and appreciate u sharing it with everyone on steemit.. my upvote is only worth 6 cents right now but I feel like u deserve so much more than that so I will be sending u a minnowbooster upgoat (from @r2cornell) instead.. it should be worth atleast a $1.50 or more.. keep up with these analysis and one day u will be way ahead of me on steemit, it just takes time for people to notice u here.. i dont generally resteem articles because i dont like other peoples shit in my feed but I will be resteeming some of ur articles to help u find more followers and get ur work out there more..
oh, i had a question for u as well, i keep hearing people say 3k bitcoin before we turn this market around.. Do u see thatas a possibility?

Thanks again for the charts and awesome breakdowns..

Thanks so much man! I really appreciate the support. Even a 2 cent upvote is greatly welcomed =). 3k BTC is absolutely a possibility though. I think BTC is a dog being waged by the tail. There is no new money flowing in while we have been in the bear market, so it's just TA traders slitting each others throats. I think BTC will just bleed and bleed until we see a significant change in the stock market. I don't think anything will change bullish for BTC going back to 20k until the tech sector and the dollar show weakness. When stocks pull back, money will be looking to go to bonds with higher interest rates. The interest rates will be kept WAY too low, and money will be looking for somewhere else to go, and that could very well end up being BTC. It really is tricky with BTC predictions though as BTC has very little circulating supply, so bullish and bearish news can slam the market in the wrong direction quickly.

In other words, don't try to predict what BTC is going to do, you can't. Instead, predict inflation, the stock market, and higher interest rates in bonds. If you connect all three of those, you can see a coming downturn in the economy that will be extremely bullish for gold, silver and BTC.

Thanks again for your time to write a comment.

I keep wondering if cryptos will go up if the stock market goes down? I know gold and silver will but with cryptos I am not so sure considering not many people know about them and the fact that most people in "the real stock market" seem to hate on cryptos for some reason. I would think they would take advantage of what they know to get rich playing the crypto market. Anyhow, I don't know if people will trust the crypto market if the regular stock market crashes, I sometimes think people would liquidate everything including their crypto assets when shit hits the fan. You think BTC will shoot up in a crash/recession that we seem to be heading towards?

Thanks for that great answer by the way, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me a real answer rather than some crap one. I honestly don't know much at all about trading but I am trying to learn more since cryptos have such big swings and I see a real opportunity to make some money in the future by trading. I started off just holding, but lately that hasn't been working out great so I am seriously considering about learning more about trading. I enjoy numbers/math and charts don't bother me so I feel like market analysis and trading is a good fit for me, I just have no clue where to start because I fucking hate school.

Anyhow, thanks again.

It really is a complex system to try to put it all together, and it's hard to predict how one market will affect another. Right now, we all know the stock market is doing well, the reason that is, is not because of Trump or anything else really, it's cheap money. There's a process called "quantitative easing" in which we print money in order to fund our government. This money largely ends up in the markets, and is the main reason in my opinion why stocks keep going up. It's also the reason why the inflation doesn't hit us in our wallets immediately so hard in the real world, all the inflation is hiding in plain sight. Someday, that money will be on fire, looking for anywhere to go, doesn't matter really. Could be BTC, gold, silver, commodities, foreign markets, anywhere that IS NOT the dollar really. You can see it coming in a lot of ways. Major housing bubble, auto costs increasing, major banks stock piling silver, the list goes on and on. It's not so much that I am bullish on BTC, it's more so I am very bearish on the dollar in the coming years. I think BTC, and many other things will prove to be safe heavens from massive inflation that is knocking on our door. The end result is the same though.

Imagine if amazon stock is $1600 a share, the company remains the same value, but the dollar's value is cut in half, now the amazon share price would be $3200. That would still be a very bullish looking chart, the question is did you make any money, no. You think you did, but really all you did was protect yourself from inflation. The problem is that stocks/btc come with a lot of risk, and could easily go down while the dollar is also going down, compounding your losses. The solution for this is traditionally bonds. When inflation goes up, the interest rates also go up, and make bonds more profitable. If you don't know how bonds work it's kinda like this. I loan you 20 dollars for 30 days, and you give me back 3% interest on the money in 30 days. What good is 3% interest if inflation is 5% would lose 2%. Normally we raise interest rates until the bonds are desirable again, but we can't, our economy would collapse because we need to be able to finance our debt cheaply. So the government is really stuck between a rock and a hard place on what to do, either way they handle it, they are screwed. Raise interest rates, and slow the economy, or let inflation continue to spiral out of control until the dollar has lost all faith. For this reason, no matter what, money WILL be on fire looking for ANYWHERE to go. I think this means that BTC is only one of many things that will become much more valuable as government irresponsibly becomes apparent to the world. The point of all that is basically to say that the stock market and BTC can both be bullish during high inflation. During low inflation, I think they will be inversely correlated.

As far as how the markets interact with each other, I am currently studying how the SPY reacts with BTC, and will probably include some analysis I have been working on in my next post. I think they are not directly correlated yet, but are becoming more so as time goes on.

I actually understand Economics rather well.. I have been following that rather closely for the past year or two learning as much as I can about how money works and moves around. I understand QE and QT and know how all the QE money has artificially raised the stock market because of low or no interest rates so companies are using the money to buy their own stocks.. I just don't know jack shit about how markets react to certain things.

That was a great explanation on why both the stock market and BTC went up together at the end of last year, I was rather suprised by that and wondering why that happened but now it makes sense. I appreciate you taking so much time to break shit down for me, that is awesome of you man..

I think QT is going to fall flat on its face, hbu?

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