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RE: Is this an opportunity to buy?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

To be honest it could really go either way at this point. We are on the cusp of international regulation and there is no way out.
Take profits while you can because who knows what tomorrow will bring...

I am still holding although I sold many of my alts back into Bitcoin.


That's all true when we compare crypto space with traditional stock market. Personally I think this is a space which is evolving. We need to look at it as innovation and then accordingly invest.
What you said if absolutely true but if you really believe in the project and the team like IOTA or may be even EOS; you create a trust in these platforms somehow. So personally I would square off my investment one day but I am completely against constant trading to fetch profits because this is the time which could change lives. We always live with fears because we don't do much research or invest time in finding good opportunities.
Most of the people are in this space for quick profits. That's fine but understanding what you are investing in is very important. I follow Andreas Antonopoulos when it comes to crypto; a genius mind who lays his thoughts (Technical and Business) pretty well. I have also read his books "Internet of Money" and "Mastering Bitcoin". You must too and it will change your mind set.
I appreciate your opinion but when it comes to Bitcoin; I am not here for short-term. We need to inform the community about the innovation happening and everyone needs to educate themselves with whats happening around. Though I am not promoting anything here.
Invest wisely and do thorough research. Cheers!!!

okay yeah that also seems to be a good choice...lot of uncertainty

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