Bitcoin Price Mini T.A. 4/20/2018

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Current Market Cap: $377.81B(+$20.18B in one day) Bitcoin Dominance: 38.3%(-1.0%)



Today I'm using three different trading tools and indicators: Bollinger Bands, Stochastic RSI and MACD.

Bollinger Bands show we are above the moving average which is around $8,400.

Stochastic RSI indicate normal condition, neither oversold nor overbought (66).

MACD shows we are above the Zero Line with a tapering histogram. Keep an eye on a drop of the blue line past the red and then potentially below the ZL which could send us back to the low $8K zone.

Price Targets:

Entry $7,550- $8,250

Exit $8,600- $9,150

Check Out My Last Bitcoin Post:

Feeling Salty About Missing The Crypto Boat?

Don't Worry:

Fantastic Documentary About Relevant STUFF! (MUST WATCH!!!)

Like Bitcoin But Want To Avoid The Fees?

Pay No Transaction Fee From Coinbase!!!

Need A Good Laugh?

Keep A Strong Hand!

*Never invest more than you are willing to lose and always do your own research before making any investment decisions. I am NOT a financial advisor and this is NOT financial advice- this material is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. Hit "CTRL + or CTRL -" to change size of chart.
(All pictures are free domain images created by myself with the help of


we are on the way up , today was such a fun day

Everyone is getting excited about crypto again. Hopefully the sentiment has shifted and people will begin entering the market again. I can imagine that investors are telling their friends the same thing "The market bottomed out and now is a good time to get back in!".

i think we will get to 9k and even more in the weekend

Weekends are normally rough for the crypto markets for whatever reason so we will see if we can hold this momentum through Monday :-D

Crypto market jumps up to the $375 billion area. All other top currency are growing up continuously in last 7 days.. BTC increase 5.93% of last 7 day... And now BTC on exceed 8500+USD..Its really amazing....@hotsauceislethal

It would be nice to see a cup and handle formation over the next few months with BTC. It would allow us more time to accumulate and cost average our way in.

Things are looking good brother! But i thought bitcoin was dead? LOL

Bitcoin will live on long after us humans, when Robots take over the world. They will need some sort of currency to use and humans tested and developed it for them :P

This is when i send a gif of my mind exploding!

that spike to $8577 that took place about 11 am UTC caught me just when I was about to purchase at $8300. I think we will see 10k in the days ahead.

We can only pray to the BTC gods :-D

Thank you so much for sharing,

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60907.24
ETH 3249.66
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45