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RE: HELP @haejin from these SNEAKY DownVoters!! Steem Power UP & UPVOTE!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Based on all the shiposts this kid has written, I'm gonna take a few stabs.
Age: 26-32
Occupation: Trust fund kiddie, probably no real job, occupation, or a need for one. Parents probably intelligent, probably a smart guy himself. Just too rage filled to put it to good use.

How did he get power?: Early adopter, probably has nothing better to do with his life than troll forums like reddit, 4chan, etc. Found steemit, threw some pocket change at it when SP was cheap, and is now enjoying his whale status as a full time troll.

Prediction: Dead alone with no loved ones, any women who pretend to like you will do so long enough to take you for a good chunk with a divorce. Better get familiar with prenups! I hope that trust lasts you a good long while. If you truly make good money here on Steemit, then it is a bubble you are popping by ruining the community. Self destructive behaviour because you are too shallow, petty and narrow minded to see how it will affect you and your own success and coin value long term.

Sorry you are such as sad, pathetic loser bernie.

Not sure if you've learned this yet, but capslock doesn't make you more right. It just makes you an asshole.

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