Five Ways to Achieve your Dream in Cryptoland.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrencies can be a challenging subject to understand and given the pace at which things move in the cryptocurrencies world, you may face many obstacles on the way to build a good portfolio or to keep up with this subject in the first place. This will be even harder if you are new to this technology.

1. Find projects you believe in and inspire you.


most of us can't keep up with all the projects that are going in the blockchain technology, So find the projects that you understand and believe in, let's take Steemit for example, It is a decentralized social media platform that rewards authors and curators for their efforts.
Sirin Labs token is a blockchain based smartphone and computers company that is trying to solve the security issue that many of us face in the cryptocurrency world. If you can't give a simple answer to what is the project is doing or their purpose, then you are probably chasing the wrong balloon.

2. Don’t let your fears hold you back.

They are many kinds of fear when it comes to blockchain technology and one of them is the price, Don't be scared if the project you are invested in looses 50 percent value in a short period of time. This is normal in any industry that is brand new, it will be volatile for a while and you should expect this kind of movements, after all, if you can't handle the 50 percent drops then you don't deserve the 1000 percent gains.

3. Don't chase the projects or coins for their price.

This is often happening with newbies that chase coins or projects just because the price has changed 50 or 100 percent in 24 hours. as with any new technology, beware of market manipulation and projects that get pumped in price in a short period of time and then dumped on the people that are chasing the price.

4. Find like-minded people and build a support system.
This is probably the easiest part of them all, each good project has a community behind it. So be around that community, ask questions and get educated more about the subject. Steemit has made this much easier as well, just search the tags about a specific coin and you will find plenty of people to follow and who can help answer some difficult questions.

5. Allow your failures and mistakes to be lessons, not excuses to give up.

Don't let failure get the best of you, I personally failed many times in the Cryptocurrency world. My first failure was losing all my coins to a hack, it only taught me to try again and keep most of my stash in cold storage.
my second failure was in an exchange called Cryptsy, but having learned from the first lesson they only got 5 percent of my total portfolio.
I was also trying to buy every possible crypto out there and ended buying a lot of junk coins at the beginning of my investment without understanding what is the project about or who is the team behind it.
failure can be your best teacher in this space or any other part of life for that matter, so keep your head up and learn from your lessons even when they hurt.

How would like to achieve your dreams? and what are your thoughts on this subject? digdaga would love to hear your comments below.

Image source: All images are from Studio Ghibli cartoon (Kiki's delivery service) I highly suggest this film for kids and adults.


nice and binefet i follow you

Many thanks!

  1. Allow your failures and mistakes to be lessons, not excuses to give up

Most important one.. we should always learn from mistakes and avoid to repeat them

I agree with you, thank you for your comment.

Thank you for all this inportant informations friend

you are welcome and hope you enjoyed it.

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If this post bothers you, feel free to just flag it! No need to be bitter.. Thanks! :)

Thanks for the info! I feel like too many people only care about the money they can get out of Crypto and not the experience

Most of us came here for the price, it was first the price of Bitcoin that caught my attention and i started investing mainly for the price before knowing what was all this technology about, and then I started learning slowly and figured it is better to understand the project and the price will follow if the project succeeds.

Good content! Also, don't let fomo take over! And don't try to time the market as there's a great chance that you would fail :)

I will admit that when I started learning about cryptocurrencies, I too cared about the price more than the project and learned it goes the other way around if you want to make money, learn about the good projects and they will make you money.

Absolutely! A keen sense to identify legit projects is what one needs! :) Whitepapers (Sigh! )

This post has received a 4.34 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @digdaga.

I really appreciated your post. The point number 5 is really good. For example.

So you lost all your coins. I have this fear :/
I have all my coins in Binance.

What is a good place to save them?

Depends on which coins you have, for Ethereum and Erc20 tokens keep them in Ethereum wallet.
For other coins, each coin has a unique wallet that you need to download and keep your coins there, and never forget to keep your private keys safe and backup somewhere offline.

from coinmarketcap, go the website of each coin and download the wallet. most important is not to keep all your coins in one exchange, I personally never keep more than 5 percent online.

Hum... I see. Well, I have more than 7 types of coins... So I need 7 wallets? Doesn't exist one wallet for everything? :)

If the coins are well known then you might want to get Ledger nano S hardware wallet and keep them there. Check their website for the list of coins they support.

Thanks for the information. I will check!
giphy (11).gif

that was really informative , super great lessons to be learnt by newbies

thank you @monjan and hope someone can benefit from this post.

Very cool that information and five tips.
and i am see ur post it was useful , i like ur work.
good luck my dear brother @digdaga .

Glad it is useful, and thank you for your support and comment.

Wellcome for u my brother😊
Really ,,,, nice to meeting you 😉

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