
I am also a holder but as Haejin said in last update the sentiment is Jaws of wealth i know without asking Haejin that his view will not have changed on this... i know first hand it is hard to sit and think your investment in going away but you have to have faith.

Everyone though spreadcoin was dead.... and look at it now. Follow verge on twitter listen to the creator of verge in interviews... he is a very switched on guy, just under alot of pressure at the moment.

But again, haejin doesnt even listen to news and events. He repeatly says that the waves make the news... NEVER NEVER the other way around. Trust me... you need to hold Verge. I want to buy more but feel like you do.

I'm pretty new to this with about three months into it. What I am learning is to have a lot of patience.

Make your analysis everyday until you see the big picture and then make your positions. You can't expect things to happen the day you make your ladders for buy in or sell hi and buy low. Once finished with your ladders wait, then update your analysis daily in case new probabilities manifest. Then wait some more. Every time I changed my ladders, due to whatever emotions occured and I bought higher just to get back in or sold too soon cause I thought it was the top. In the end the prices would of hit my ladders. Geez I'm making money, but my profits could of been even more massive if I just would of waited more and trusted my analysis.

Haejin says it all the time, that making your ladders will help one to deal with all the emotions that we experience in this game. Like @martinf said have faith in good analysis and add lots of patience and things will workout.

So you mean that trading analysis from Haejin doesn't even need to reflect reality? I'm holding Verge as well and decided not to sell but I dont really understand the Jaws of Wealth, I just experienced Jaws of Frustration and Depression :D could u gimme some lights in this plz

that's because you're a minute trader.

This is what I see...
Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 10.14.45 AM.png

I am hoping we get an even bigger Verge Surge since Wraith Protocol 2.0 was released just before midnight 2017, for the the 2018 New Years Day deadline.

I saw that Wraith and a lot more updates are lining up in the upcoming weeks, just the devs couldnt handle all the expectations of quick gain trader who required too much for their own profits, nothing for the project itself.

Begin the wave at the top of the triangle.
Wave c should be wave a.

Ya please update about xvg

XVG was a dud last night...

What do you mean it was a dud? It blasted out of its channel and is now putting in wave 2. I expect it to bounce off the channel and go no lower than about 12 cents.Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 10.16.35 AM.png

The price breakout was on Dec 30th. I was referring to all the hype about the Wraith protocol launch expected by midnight. A vertical drop down started at about 11:30pm. The development team failed to deliver on their promises from just several days ago. I still own XVG and I believe we could see the waves you have outlined develop. But last night was a dud in short term news and expectations.

Got it. I have more been following the Haejin mindset for certain coins, where I ignore the fundamentals like Wraith protocol and just focus on the technical analysis of the charts. Who knows? We shall see. Here's to a 2018 of massive profits!

I understand his method and it’s working. I’m sure news will come to justify the forecast...last night just wasn’t

Huge volume of short term gamblers buying in, hoping it would surge to $1,- or more, the moment the protocol would come uit. They got disappointed and are selling. Minor setback if you ask me.

Fact is, this relatively small coin (I believe there is only one dev in the team) has managed to roll out their protocol, als promised. It was rushed, will not be perfect yet, but they/he delivered (with the whole XVG-community watching every modification they made, and despite de huge fudstorms and pump and dumps that have been going on the last few days). Verge will bounce back. Is has a lot of potential, I believe. And Haejins Jaws of Wealth do look promising indeed.

I have the same exact chart! good work bro

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