To feel alive, kids say mommy and adults say money... Craig :)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

My grandfather wont use a computer without a mouse, and my grandson says 'what's a mouse?'.


free bitcoin @


I have seen many people made fortunes out of MLM and Bitconnect might be one of them and sure has made quite a fortune for you. However I would not encourage MLM and I abstain myself from joining it. Yes I might miss my chance to make fortunes and I m perfectly fine with it because I know I m not ripping off the people who are late to the party and leave them hanging when the party is over for bitconnect. In this way I will sleep well at night. I can tell you are sleeping well and enjoying now. No worries karma will find its way around. Good luck.

Yep the flow doesn't work well when you are taking other people's money.

crypto is play money


Wow, both your grandfather and grandson are alive (or have been alive during the advent of computers?)

Killing the game dude!! I want to get on that level.

thank you for sharing

I just read some of the stories that people are posting about you guys, Yuliana and the Nigerian scammers... I don't know what to say about it other then good luck to you and your team...

I am out of this now and know that you guys have the money and the powers... that bitconnect exposing thing is out of my league... I am just a small guy in Denmark...

Not that I think scamming is good, but I still think the fiat money system and the whole masonic lie is a bigger scam.

Big L from DK !

All praise King Craig! Biggest douche bag alive!!

I'm on that list bro keep an eye out for me I'm gonna climb it xD
check out my landing site bro, what you think? :D

Your grandson can also say "what is money?", because he may only understand "crypto"

Haha nice one 2 different generation. Nice refferal commissions from BCC. @CRAIG-GRANT

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