
I did a post yesterday about Stellar and its project explaining why this would be a great investment. Especially for people with little capital to make a big move.

You're spot on, Stellar and Ripple price are for sure going to increase together

I cannot figure out exactly what Stellar does that we cannot already do.

What about Tezos? The Ethereum killer Dash hybrid or will it fail?

I think Tezos has a bright future here I have a post about it you should check it out!

I'm holding ripple at the moment but there is a lot of room for Stella

Be free and fly to the moon

sell some ripple for stellar

yes that's the plan lock in some profit with ripple then all that profit goes into Stella

Wow. Thanks for the share. Will definitely be looking into Stellar Lumens.

Hell yea good thing i jumped on it.

I have been wondering about their rocket logo, is that a bad omen or a good sign? :)

Everybody need to get in on stellar before it goes to $1.00. Great investment for the summer!

Why is that? What is so special about Stellar?

I spent about 5 minutes looking at their web site and twitter, then started buying, after 5 minutes I was sold :)

What about it sold you?

Same here, thanks for the early heads up!

Strong statement :)

Check out Gulden !!! it does the same and has been doing it since a year in the real world.

This requires more attention. I will keep track of this.

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