
Luckily a hard fork isnt very likely as miners have hit the activation threshold for bip91. I am pretty confident, as are boatloads of investors (see price spike) that this will help mitigate the scaling issue for some time. Good post

Bitcoin will be available as a payment again before you know it. Thanks for sharing 😁😁

some country accepting bitcoin and some suspending. why so ?

Thanks so much for this update. Btc won't hard fork on Aug 1st so this isn't such a big worry. It's more like an inconvenience. Everything should be fine after a while.

Well then what they need to do is read this poem... once they do, everything will be right in the world again :)

We survived the Bitcoin apocalypse of 2017. It was foretold

Thanks for sharing that post,do you think it will have any effect on the price

Why are they halting it?

Because of UASF'ers are threatening to split the Bitcoin network through a soft fork potentially causing transaction disruption.

While i am not in japan, this will hold up a lot of the creators on that side of the world. While this is quite unfortunate, bitcoin should make a bounce back. Thanks for the inspiring post, keep it up.

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