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RE: Debate: Are Governments Against Bitcoin & Blockchain? Or Do they Love it and Want us to Use it?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

My MAIN point with @hilarski post was regarding the US government. Now, I did hear about some small grant being given to a college but that was a while ago and I can't recall all the specifics of it. I did not know about the DHS thing, thanks for providing that article.

I should've been more clear yesterday. I did know about japan and China. In fact a prominent steemian on here not too long ago posted about buying a new computer at a bitcoin friendly store on tokyo. That's so cool to me. Last time i checked i cant go to the grocery store here in the US and do that. In fact almost every person i know is clueless about cryptocurrency in general here in the United states. It seriously is viewed as "shady" business by most because the new media portrays it that way.
As I pointed out yesterday, I'm looking to get largely out of the "E" sector (rich dad poor dad reference) E for employee because 40% taxation is HARSH. i do love My old people though and ill continue playing along so i can have a job that i enjoy but only part time eventually and have other revenue streams that's i don't get literally robbed by the US government.
I think of it in terms of pie :

  1. My main job/puts food on the table/pays the bills = my job as a licensed PT Assistant. Love it but don't love 40% of my pie being eaten before i even get a chance to look at it.
  2. In the past I and occasionally I still do sell stuff on ebay. Ebay takes a cut for the service, okay no problem, paypal takes a cut for transfer to my bank. This income stream is a nice pie to me bevause only a little sliver is taken out before i can use it
  3. Crypto trading/steemit earnings - another pie. I could see the US govt getting greedy as fuck over it and taxing it 40% too. I don't like that. Why does the govt need a slice out of each of my income pies? Does the govt need money from the yardsale i just had? No, but we are supposed to report all our income so. ...

I'm staunch on my view that the US govt isn't a fan of the common man making money off crypto. Yes it is all out in the open on the block chain but, last time i checked there was no steemit "w2."

I think that's pretty cool about Australia, Singapore, South korea. But you mentioned yesterday about russia banning it. Direct quote below:

"Maybe you will say it decentralized and they can't kill it, I will agree with you but they could have banned exchanges and mining and made it a crime to use it, mine it, or exchange it like Russia did."

Today you say:

"Everywhere I look, it is becoming more clear to me that government loves Blockchain technology in general and Bitcoin in specific, I could add more articles about Russia..."

So while you have some valid points about other non US countries adopting it, but obviously the Russian govt doesn't "love it " if they made it illegal.


I Agree to all of the above, but Russia did ban Bitcoin and mining for more than 2 years until recently (Mid of this year) were they became super friendly and started adopting it and even president Vladimir Invited Vitalik Buterin and endorsed Ethereum:

Article Below:

Also, i made a post about Russian S7 airline started using Ethereum to issue tickets:

and if that is not enough, Burger King is now accepting Bitcoin in Russia:

Even Russia, one of the countries that banned and punished bitcoin users, is now turning a to a pro-Bitcoin land.

However, i appreciate your time for reading and replying and if you want to live in a place that pays very well and don't tax, come visit us in Dubai and hopefuly you will be happier in here and you can still support your family.
Following you now!

Thanks for the follow and further info on russia. I always appreciate other points of view. Thanks also for the gift, that was very kind you didn't have to do that. :) but i really appreciate it!
I'd move to dubai in a heartbeat but with physical therapy they often make you retake a lot of schooling when you relocate Regardless of experience. I'm hoping for a more globalized PT organization soon that can assist the transition for PTs wanting to relocate into a different country.
I'm also following you. Hopefully the USofA will stop with the insane taxation someday.
Thanks for opening my eyes to all the countries that I was unawre were supporting btc. Pretty neat. If it's headed in such a positive direction globally maybe one day US politicians will pull their heads out of the sand.

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