Mainstream Media turning Bullish on BitcoinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

If you have been following cryptocurrency for a while you likely know that there has been a disdain for Bitcoin in the news and in the limited coverage that it has received over the last 5 years. 

For a very long time it seemed to me that the media was trying to keep people from buying into bitcoin by conflating it with drugs, crime, and money laundering.  They also seemed to report on any misfortune that Bitcoin went through.  It seems like every hack and every criminal case that involved Bitcoin was reported on,  but every positive story was left out.

Throughout the course of the last few months I have noticed a significant shift of attitude when it comes to the coverage that crypto has been receiving.  It seems as if the stories are becoming more and more positive and there are more and more huge successes singing Bitcoin's praises as of late.  This type of reporting is sure to help drive the price of Bitcoin up considering it will increase the demand compared to prior stories which hindered the demand. 

Below is a timeline of some of the major Bitcoin stories that were reported on in the past,  and this will be followed up with a list of Bitcoin's current supporters and current stories that have been in the mainstream media.  I will finish with my price prediction for Bitcoin in late 2017-2018!

Bitcoin News Stories by Year


A story from PC World about Bitcoin was really the only  major news I saw from 2010.  Even though it was more informative than negative,  I still thought it was interesting to see one of the first big Bitcoin articles.


"So, That's the end of Bitcoin Then"- Forbes

"Bitcoin: The First $500,000 Theft"- Forbes

"Bitcoins: Does an Internet Currency Mean the Doom of the Dollar?"- Time Magazine


"FBI Fears Bitcoin's Popularity with Criminals"- Wired

"Bitcoin Exchange BitFloor to Suspend Operations after $250,000 Bitcoin Theft"- The Verge


"FBI Claims Largest Bitcoin Seizure After Arrest of Alleged Silk Road Founder"- The Guardian

"Fools Gold" | "Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme"- Slate

"Don't Get Bitten by Bitcoins"- CNN


"Apparent Theft at MtGox Shakes the World"- New York Times

"Man called 'Bitcoin's Father' denies ties"- Reuters

"Bitcoin Firm CEO Found Dead After Suicide"- New York Post

"IRS: Bitcoin Not Currency"- USA Today


"Mt. Gox Bitcoin Chief Arrested in Japan"

"Without Drugs,  What's the Point of Bitcoin?"- The Atlantic

"Hackers Steal $5 Million from Major Bitcoin Exchange"-


"Bitcoin Worth $78m Stolen from Bitfinex Exchange in Hong Kong"- The Guardian

"The San Fransisco Subway Hacker Demanded Ransom in Bitcoin"- Popular Mechanics

"Theft and Mayhem in the Bitcoin World"- Forbes


"A New Digital Currency is About to be Created as the Bitcoin Blockchain is Split in 2"- CNBC

"Jamie Dimon Slams Bitcoin as a Fraud"- Bloomberg

"Bitcoin Price Soars, Fueled by Speculation and Global Currency Turmoil"-  New York Times

"Bitcoin Fraud Suspect Vinnik Charged by US Grand Jury"- BBC


"Bitcoin Price could be Headed to $6,000 by year-end,  but brace for volatility"- CNBC

"Bitcoin: Is it a Fraud or is it the Future of Currency?"- Forbes

"American Billionaire Investor Mark Cuban Claims Crytocurrencies and Blockchain are Future"- CoinTelegraph

"Bitcoin may soon be a 'rational, expected' part of portfolio"- CNBC

"Dimon Called Bitcoin a Fraud but JPMorgan is Citing Prices"-  Bloomberg

"Bitcoin: The Case for the $10,000 Coin"-  Forbes

CNBC has even just launched a Crypto segment for their television and Facebook page.  

As you can see,  the tone has certainly changed.  There has been a paradigm shift and there is no looking back for Bitcoin or crypto in general. 

People like Mark Cuban,  who just claimed Bitcoin to be a bubble a few months ago,  are now investing into Bitcoin and other Blockchain-based investments!  It is an exciting time for crypto and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. 

Other Billionaire Supporters:

  • Richard Branson | Net Worth: $5.1 Billion
  • Bill Gates | Net Worth: $87 Billion
  • Chamath Palihapitiya | Net Worth: $1.5 Billion

Here is a video of all 3 of the mentioned billionaires above with many more bullish expert opinions on Bitcoin:

My Bitcoin Price Prediction for Late 2017/2018

Over this year,  Bitcoin has rallied to an all time high of over $5,000.  It has remained very solid and kept it's impressive market cap through the Segwit split,  China banning ICO's,  China banning exchanges,  and countless Billionaires/Wall Street hacks claiming it to be valueless.  This shows a great improvement from the last few years,  and the price has consistently been much less volatile than times in the past. 

I think Bitcoin will slowly rally from the current $4300-4400 mark up to the $5000-5500 range.  I believe this boost in price will lead all the way up to the $6500-7000 sometime before the end of the year.  I think there will definitely be some extreme volatility moving forward,  but nothing will stop Bitcoin from rising further and further throughout the next few years.  The next big date to watch is October 25th of this year.  Bitcoin Gold will be released then and it is similar to the Bitcoin Cash split.  Watch for extreme volatility during the 23rd-27th of October.

I think that 2018 will be the biggest year for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general.  Once a huge financial powerhouse like Goldman Sach's jumps on board the Bitcoin train,  everyone else will fall in line and follow the trend to the moon. 

I think Bitcoin will reach vastly higher numbers in 2018 than most expect,  and while I don't have any specific dates,  I would be highly surprised if Bitcoin doesn't hit $20,000-$25,000 by the end of year 2018.  I wouldn't even be too shocked to see a temporary spike to somewhere around the $50,000 before a correction settled back to $20-25k.  Much of this is dependent on how many big fish jump in and how soon.  The big money will be coming into crypto soon,  and it may be much sooner than many think! 

I hope you enjoyed the content!  Follow for more news, predictions,  and all things crypto! 

To the moon, 


P.S. - Check out my Bitcoin Price Prediction from Friday 9-7-17


All that news only causes some minor ups and downs so some can profit from it.

True. Thanks for the comment.

Business Insider today said Bitcoin is a ‘censorship resistant asset’. They are starting to get it.

That's great news. Thanks for the insight fellow Steemian!

They seem to be realizing that cryptocurrency is not just a fad and can never go away. As said in another comment they will probably try to regulate Bitcoin but all of us in this space will know where to go next if needed. We'll see if BTC stays on top in the coming years as more and more people flood in. The best thing Bitcoin has going for it is first mover advantage and 'brand' recognition.

Although it is not the most efficient coin for transactions, it will always have that store of value that makes it prized. It truly is digital gold.

I agree, this is what Bitcoin is going to be best at as time goes on.

Thanks for the comment. I agree!

welcome <3

great time to invest in btc

I love me some coins.

Thanks for the comment. Hope to see you again soon!

same here followed u :) I'm new in here if u r interested in crypto and anime as well as some good tv shows follow me :)

Ditto, thanks.

I think that it goes without saying, and it's common knowledge-- that the banks are scared shitless of cryptocurrency.

For years and years the banks and big financial companies have basically "owned" the money. Now here comes a currency that the people own, and you can bet the banks don't like that.

As much as I hate to see it happen, I know that in the near future governments will step in and begin to try and regulate crypto. And guess who they are going to allow to regulate it? You know it. The banks and the Wall Street criminals.

I really would hate to see that happen, because I think crypto has the power to finally liberate the people and stop the government and big finance from keeping people down.

I mean, just look at the stats. In America, it's a known fact that the richest 10 percent of Americans control 75 percent of the wealth, leaving only 25 percent to the other 90 percent of Americans. Does that seem anywhere near right to you?

Very good points. Many people believe that cryptocurrency will financially liberate the common individual, but it is very likely that Bitcoin won't be the currency to do so. It's scalability is becoming an issue and other governments have already started to regulate it. With all of that being said, I still the price will continue to skyrocket over the next couple of years no matter what happens with regulations or the involvement of big corporations in Bitcoin.

Nice go read 👍

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