Are We Destined for Another 3 Years for Bitcoin to Become Great Again? 😑

in #bitcoin6 years ago

If you look at the logarithmic, long-term chart of bitcoin, one metric stands out: three years.

That's how long it took for bitcoin to recover from its last major collapse, back in late 2013/early 2014. If you thought FUD was bad right now, you should consider how utterly awful it was during these low years.

If intuition serves me correct, the term "FUD" wasn't even invented yet. People just gave up on cryptocurrencies altogether.

So are we destined for a 3-year repeat?

History would suggest yes. Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market -- particularly the speculative altcoin and ICO sector -- have jumped to unbelievable valuations.

At some point, a correction is in order to maintain a healthy market of both bulls and bears. It's also nothing unusual compared to any other investing sector.

Plus, we have the "concept of thirds." Life and nature loves thirds for whatever reason. And it shouldn't be any stretch to state that market cycles also occur in thirds.

That said, we do have another alternative...

When bitcoin first launched, no one knew anything about the cryptocurrency concept.

Even when bitcoin started to gain some measure of mainstream attention, and despite litecoin entering the fray, many folks were hesitant on jumping onboard.

That hesitation doesn't exist to the extent that it did several years ago. Sure, the volatility is eye-opening, to say the least, but those considering cryptocurrency markets already know this.

So it's possible that the reintegration of bullishness could happen a lot sooner than many folks might anticipate.

Perhaps this time, a recovery will occur in a third of a third, so to speak.

We'll find out, one way or another. But for now, this appears a great time to acquire cryptocurrencies if you haven't already started!

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