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RE: Bitcoin to $80,000 before May 2020 and $1 billion by December 2020?

in #bitcoin5 years ago

I was really hoping that we would move to $1,000,000 bitcoin in two market cycles instead of one big one.

But... it looks, indeed, like we are going to have one BIG ONE.

There is one way that we won't reach $1,000,000 bitcoin.
That everyone's money disappears.
All the liquidity dried up. Bank money is gone. All that is left is the cash floating around.
It is hard to ponder a hard break like this, but it could really happen.
Just like all the doomsayers say that you could lose your bitcoin because the internet goes down, we could far more easily lose all of our digital bank money at the flip of a switch.


I know from reading Martin Armstrong, that it has never happened in the 3000+ year recorded history of mankind that the entire world simultaneously went into hyperinflation or a Dark Age (where barter/food becomes money).

Will not happen. TPTB created the Internet for their “666” (66.6% stable majority political enslavement) control grid.

We all need to stop being a plebs deer-in-the-headlights by imagining UFOs and keep our eyes on the reality that no one wants to admit to themselves. Even Armstrong is now finally admitting publicly that 9/11 was a false-flag.

Nobody wants to believe we are actually sheepeople managed by a global cabal. Who do you think created Bitcoin? Not Paul Calder Le Roux! Bitcoin is an amazing complex invention not just technologically but also because as we are learning from my recent blogs, there was ostensibly incredibly complex interdisciplinary planning, modeling, game theory, political-economics, ongoing monitoring, ongoing surreptitious organization (of Bitfinex/Tether for example), etc..

P.S. Re-read my blog. I added a lot since most of you first read it.

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