A Letter to Bitcoin😥

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I know that it is unfaithful to convert you into alts, but please forgive me for one last time. I realised that your potential is far beyond the reach of any Altcoin. I request u to come down so that the alts in my portfolio recover and after that I would never buy any alts. Just will stay with you forever..!

Thank You!
With lots of love,


That letter should go well with this next letter:

Dear taxman,

I know you'll love my decision to fork over more than 25% of my profits in bitcoin when I shift them into altcoins. You're welcome. Please feel free to rape my profits in any way that you can in the future, as you always have in the past.

You're such a reliable pal!

Thank you :)
Forever your slave,



Same here😫😫

Haha, that's funny!


Thank u😊😊😊


Bitcoin too old, too slow, needs to much energy to mine... its end time should come soon!

I don't think so..Still itz long way to go

You're right. It's a first draft blockchain. It was revolutionary, but better chains have come around. It's not a knock on bitcoin, but a testament to cryptocurrency as a whole. Bitcoin will always have value as novelty, being the first one, but the real goal of replacing the currency will have to come from another chain.

Ha ha ha awesome letter. Liked it

Glad to know that u liked it..Thank u😊😊

Really i mean it. It's very interesting. That's why i liked it

done vote me my post reply msg


A nice letter


"it's not you, it's me"



Thank u😊

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