DigiPiglet: A Bitcoin trust-chain for Venezuela (also a meetup!)

A few days ago, I finally managed to meet up with @buwaytress to be the next link in the DigiPiglet Bitcoin trust-chain for Venezuela . This trust chain was started by @daan and @nate.french and you can read in more detail about it here in this post by @daan.
Basically, the TL;DR version is that we are trying to create a Bitcoin trust chain (with this cool little DigiPiglet) to collect roughly 5 euros per link to then send to Venezuela. After 100 links, the BTC will be sent to a charity in that country (see the post for more details).
So, late last week.... @buwaytress and I made contact via Bitcointalk... well, actually... he made contact and I didn't realise it as I have no notifications set for Bitcointalk. So, after a little prod from @daan.... I got on the forum and we started to make plans for a meetup. Interestingly enough, we both live in the Den Haag area so it was quite easy to find a place and time to meet. We did have to drop out to the good old SMS version of contacting each other.... as he is a Steem noob and I am a Bitcointalk noob!
So, like any good secret agents (all of these meetups really feel like that... meeting an otherwise anonymous person in a public and well lit place... with lots of passer-bys to witness any potential homicide!... well, that is what my wife likes to tease me about... Anyway, we agreed to meet at Mingle Mush, a place that I've written before in a review for @tasteem!
It was the day that I had traveled back from Amsterdam anyway after potentially find my lost soul mate!

I was first to arrive... and it struck me that we should have had organised some way to recognise each other... as every person who walked past could have been the mystery online person! Perhaps next time we should arrange for special dress code... top hats and tails, with a red carnation on the right lapel.... something a little unusual and a touch out of the everyday?
In the end, I settled on the boring... texting my table number... but in good secret agent style, I did take a secluded table in the corner of the food hall. Well, it was secluded until someone sat at the table next to me... I really should have taken the real corner... but I really liked having the large column next to me. Anyway, we would later find a use for this interloper...

So, when @buwaytress arrived... it was really nice to talk and meet! It was a great way to spend an hour... learning more about each other... the online crypto community is such a diverse bunch of people with such interesting life stories! I really do hope that we have cause to meet up again!
Anyway, we did press that woman who unwittingly sat next to us into service... we made her take a few photos... of which the above photo is one of them... I'm the completely nerdy looking one (I think I should get a haircut again....)!

The daughter of @buwaytress made this really nice (although... a touch morbid...) cartoon to go with the DigiPiglet... it will be a little thing that will travel around with the DigiPiglet on it's journey. It's a great idea and such a nice human touch!
... so, about the DigiPiglet. He is a touch bigger than I thought he would be... and a lot squishier! However, he is totally cute! My girls couldn't get enough of him... when they got home, they rushed upstairs as soon as I mentioned it... to grab him and to start playing with him!

Anyway, this is proof of my addition to the DigiPiglet stash. When I loaded the address it was going to be on the upper end of 5 euros (probably around 5.60). In the days that have followed, it has dropped a touch under 5 euros, which is a bit of a poop.... but the BTC value is what counts!
So, I'm calling out some local Dutch or Southern Dutch (aka Belgian) Steemians (apologies in advance for the pings!) who might be interested in being the next link in the DigiPiglet journey? Of course, people all around the world are more than welcome to join in!
@brittandjosie, @exyle, @s3rg3, @bennierex, @eqko, @verhp11, @hans001, @missmau, @amritadeva, @ashleykalila, @goldrooster, @heyitshaas, @ijmmai, @seveaux, @poeticsnake, @guchtere, @roelandp, @rubencress, @scipio, @rival, @edb, @marcovanhassel, @hetty-rowan, @minersean, @sanderjansenart, @erikklok, @dboontje, @dikkie, @valderrama, @thetimminator, @tonyz, @raypelsteeltje, @jacktheflipper, @bart2305, @crypto-econom1st, @bringolo, @oaldamster, @samiirasam, @rathanna, @goldrooster, @mids106, @rolf.bakker, @zyx066, @jolanda, @lion200, @michelmake, @futurefood, @wakeupkitty, @pacolimited
@fullcoverbetting, @woodzi, @daan, @bjornb, @brothermic, @simplymike, @jackjohanneshemp, @feelx, @d0zer, @costanza, @zoef, @kemo16, @simplymike, @arcange, @foreveraverage
@artakush, @bkdbkd, @pundito, @smasssh, @emrebeyler
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Great initiative ... I hope the donations add up to something significant. Venezuela is hurting and our brothers and sisters could really use a bit of a boost.
I'm pretty happy to be part of the chain... will be looking this weekend for the next link in the chain!
Absolutely wonderful @bengy. I hope this proves fruitful.
It should be winging it's way to a new home this week!
Hola bengy,
Tu post ha sido seleccionado por el bot de @provenezuela, te hemos dado un voto en apoyo a los autores venezolanos!
Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad!
Thank you and thank you for the support... I hope this little guy will be winging it's way to your country in coming times!
That is so cool @bengy! Can I donate directly to you to add to this fund? Thanks for posting this!
Veneuela is hurting plenty. It is a worthy cause and I admire you for keeping it rolling.
I will DM you on Discord!
That is pretty awesome. I am happy to see that he digipig is making its way across the continent!
Great idea, @bengy. You know, I didn't know Coin Tracker was free. I'll have to check it out.
Cointracking... I think there are a few different ones with similar names. This one is pretty comprehensive, the free tier is adequate, but the paid versions are much more powerful!
🎁 Hi @bengy! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!
@dswigle wrote lately about: What Are The Odds Of A Trifecta? Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)