MTC: Reading Big Data to find a pattern

in #bitcoin7 years ago

For days I've been trying to find a pattern that allows me to understand how the market cap develops.

I wonder?: the continuous entry of FIAT and the apparent sudden corrections are predictable?


Last week I used this pattern that I now dare to share with everyone, it is a pattern based on the data we have and especially in logic.

Last week I told myself when the TMC reaches 345 + 30% = TMC 448BI would be a very good opportunity to sell and move to FIAT, wait for correction and resume positions.

My prediction was very accurate, last Friday the TMC reached 452BI and the correction began.

I do not intend to look for the reason for the correction, I only use the data, the%, the schedules ... and I dare to share my prediction for this week which I think will be spectacular:

Rise of the TMC to 543BI and immediate correction until 434BI, on Wednesday 13 over 2hUTC should start the correction.

Obviously it is almost impossible to guess ... but .. WE HAVE COME TO PLAY !!!
Another possibility is that the rise to 543BI is slower ... but be sure that when you reach that figure the market will correct


The conclusions of my pattern are the following:

1.- Do not panic if market fall.
2.- Each week your positions will have more value if you don't touch it.
3.- If you like the trade game, sell part of your positions to fiat according to TMC data
4.- Repurchase those positions around -15%
5.- Stay allert arround 2h or 14h UTC hours, seems its when rock&roll starts.

What i'm going to do this week?

1.- Now i'll but some Stellar Lumens. why? because price is low, under 800 is a good buy.
2.- I'll sit and watch if my prediction is good
3.- If i'm online when the rock&roll starts i'll trade some coins if i'm not online i'll prepare popcorn for the next pump :)
4.- If this pattern keep working i'll write a book and i'll plant a tree ;)

what you think? Do you want to add your prediction?


I think is a good analytical approach, nevertheless it is not still a ''law'' . Your theory should have to be demonstrated by recurrence. I'm following carefully. Resteemed.

of course is far from being a theory even far from being a hypothesis, i only interpreted data that for now have been repeated 2 weeks and I dare to share, will be repeated a third week? if this keep on we'll have just another indicator or pattern

Before those huge pumps on Bitcoin, I based my analysis of my own portfolio on the amount of satoshis.

But right now I have realized that the price of BTC against USD makes altcoins to fluctuate in the opposite direction. It is fine to still watch price in stashis -Ia m still doing it- but don't forget to look for the price in USD -or EUR-.

I use Blockfolio for tracking my own, and sice some time ago I have been switching more often between BTC and fiat to see the price. Just a moment for comparing and see the picture from another perspective, I still keep the price in BTC.

I use blockfolio aswell :)

most of the alts are losing against btc, you can have the alt in green (usd) and red (btc)... few alts can compete vs btc at the moment, eos, bts, xlm, are the only one's i own that are giving me more btc since i bought them.

Exactly. That was what I was talking about.

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