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RE: 1/26/2018 The Market View and Trading Outlook

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Do you have any intel on the country breakup of users using GDAX? Or any info on users by whether they are retail or institutional investors?

I only ask because I'm wondering if there are timing patterns... you convert your trading portfolio to Fiat or something safe overnight.... how many others do that? Is the BTC price lower before say 8am East Coast time?


No, I don't believe anyone but GDAX/Coinbase would have that information. You know I looked into patterns as well back in the day in regards to the EU and Asian markets etc. I think at one time there was always a small drop before 7 p.m. EST but it was never definitive and could not be accurately implemented into a strategy that made me comfortable putting capital at risk. If your asking why "I make the choices I do" its based on the charts and experience. Believe it or not, writing these everyday actually improves my trading as well as it further imprints what I objectively see to be the truth about the market each day into my head that much further. At times I am looking to make a decision/buy/sell and come back here and re read how I felt about it in the A.m. and objectively decide to stick with my previous opinions devoid of the "in the minute emotion/beat the market" mentality. I suppose these are in many ways similar to creating an affirmation each day, much in the same way that I wake up every day and say I'm going to be rich this year.. accordingly life steers itself in that direction as I already see it as reality. Jim Carey did something similar and wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 long before he made it big.. You should likewise do the same and wake up everyday and say I'm' going to make it on "ninja warrior", no doubt, no concern, pure confidence and acceptance of fact.. Sorry for running on.. thinking and typing... I get off on some pretty wild tangents... lol

Hahahaha, it's the tangents that make you so great!

I've actually been playing with this sort of goal setting and working on visualization and meditation. I think I was a naturally silent person, but IT life has taught me to always seek new information/distraction, so I need to control that.

I just noticed a small trend of the markets seeming to be lower first thing in the morning, and rising throughout the day... but I'm only taking very cursory glances but did wonder if there was a deeper pattern there.

I'm not surprised you're becoming a better trader by explaining the process to us, I'm slowly building on my knowledge of the influences and indicators of market action. It's complex but thanks to you seems very doable.

It seems doable is the trick.. Much in the same way beating the house at Vegas by reading a book on counting cards makes it seem doable. It can be, for sure, but it takes more than cursory knowledge and understanding to consistently hit base hits. Took me a few years to get to where I am now, and I think it is much like learning a new language.

At first you know a few words, and may be able to fumble your way through asking how to take a piss or get a glass of water.. As time passes you learn more vocabulary and you can create more complex sentences, until you reach the point that you can begin to teach yourself based on the now preexisting knowledge or you learn how to read in this new language and suddenly the world around you becomes an encyclopedia of information. Trading is much the same.. you will learn some things, MA strategy, RSI, MACD, Ichimoku cloud, volume indicators, etc.. You may learn one, but then you will be able to add on to that with another, and another, until you can begin one to cross check the other, you become used to anomalies and commit them to memory etc. Until you have created your own index of probabilities based on experience and an index that can only be gained through experience.. How price runs after a big move, how it falls, when does it pull back, throw back, retrace, what are targeted moves etc. I'm still learning all the time. For example I go here at least once a day.. and review a pattern.. when I get to the end I go back to the beginning and go at it again and each time I learn something I missed the last time around.. It's a process, but you have to be dedicated to it, and committed to it.. the good stuff and the pain... much in the same way you are towards your ninja warrior quest.. somedays it sucks, it hurts, but the end goal and become more proficient is the end game that will lead you toward the success you desire.

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