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RE: What Are YOU Trading Today, & Why? | E.31 of a Community Based Engagement Resource for Everyone! May 30th - 2017 Market Stats/Charts Overview included for Newer Crypto Family! | Top Gains/Losses today, etc.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

SO far I am doing well over the past few months pretty much all my alts are up.
I bought NEM way back when it was diet cheap and that I feel will continue to grow due to its links with Japan.
I bought Golem when it was cheap just because I thought it was interesting concept and that is doing well also.
I am so glad I reinvested in DASH after selling them all and outh them back when they were at $20 dollars or something. Today I saw they are $120 so that is great. I also have a Genesis mining account for DASH therefore I don´t buy it anymore.Hmm what else...Oh yes I bought some Digibytes adter a tip from a friend who really believed in them and though the wold be big. They were so cheap I just decided - what the hell why not.
I still own Bitcoin of course.
Sold all my Litecoin as it was never really my thing. Never really had a good feeling for it, if I am honest I just bough it to make a profit on the ride up. As soon as I saw segwit was a sure thing I sold them for a massive profit. I bought a load when they were only $2 dollars and sold them at $27 so cant complain.

I decided I just had to stick with alts that I had a feeling for otherwise it was just a money game ad I did not want to reduce myself to that kind of person.
I got into Bitcoin in 2011 because I believed in it and hated the banks and so I want to keep that good feeling.
Talking about making a profit and money - I have pretty much stopped buying and selling now, instead I just keep buying and buying.
After the recent crash I just laughed when I saw everyone panicking. I just smiled and held on and even bought more. I knew it was jsut a temporary thing, I mean, look what happened 3 days later, everything went back up.
This has shown that, although crypto -curency can be volatile, it is here to stay.
Therefore my new motto is:-Invest invest invest.
This is why I recently wrote a blog on this, that the future for Bitcoin and alts are bright.
With regards to Eth, I understand how how good it is but I just cant get a feeling for it and cant really explain why, so I don´t own any.
DASH is not through yet, I have a feeling big news is on its way before the year is out.
Crypto-currency is a wave and we are all surfers on a sunny day at the beach.


Hey man, I checked on your blog a couple times the last month, tagged you a couple times, as I had honestly noticed your silence and missed you!!!

Hey than man.
I was given a big commission for a large painting and it has taken up most of my time. It was an important collector of mine so I could not turn it down. It is hard for me to focus on other things when I am painting.
Good to be back and nice to know I was missed. I much appreciate hearing that.

I felt a big friendly hole in my life appear actually.


It was pretty noticeable!

You have said so many kind, practical, insightful things, I bet a ton of people missed you also.

Arr thanks Barry, you know when Im working on a large painting my whole time perspective alters and have no idea of time at all.
Really good to be back to being part of the Steem community and I see Steem is doing really well price wise and membership. So positive.
MIssed you to Barry good to see you are still going strong.

I was quoted on my blog this week on this LOL - $ETC is the #LiteCoinOfEthereum

LOL!! I am pretty sure I am the first to # that and I was quite pleased with myself actually (:

Thanks for taking the time as you often do, to stop by and talk to me, or us here and make such a thoughtful response.

I honestly did not know how to get ahold of you, to check on you since it seemed you were off here and not checking in. I am most pleased you made time for me, it put a smile on my face to see your name pop up as a reply today my man!!!

Thats really nice of you Barry.

You really nailed a couple things here too when you said:

I decided I just had to stick with alts that I had a feeling for otherwise it was just a money game ad I did not want to reduce myself to that kind of person.
I got into Bitcoin in 2011 because I believed in it and hated the banks and so I want to keep that good feeling.
Talking about making a profit and money - I have pretty much stopped buying and selling now, instead I just keep buying and buying.

  • Some very thoughtful and wise nuggets in there for anyone reading this!!

Thanks again man.

Cheers Barry, always good to have contact with my good friend

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