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RE: BITCOIN: Is Bitcoin Guaranteed to hit $1 Million by 2020? I'm not sure whether it will be by 2020, but for sure it will surpass $1 Million within the next decade, possibly as early as 2021..!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

It definitely is gold 2.0. Bitcoin is definitely the future and this decentralised distributed network is what all of us crave rather than a 3rd party moderating and regulating over us.

I think that bitcoin will definitely pass $1,000,000. Maybe not as quickly as John McAfee wants it but definitely in a couple of years it will get to the 6 figure mark and then maybe in a decades time we will see this fantasy of $1,000,000 becoming a reality.

Thanks for sharing this great video Stephen! :)


People really have to understand the technology that sits behind BITCOIN and measure it against the +35 years of distorted and manipulated garbage of thousands of dollars of toxic and worthless "Horse Dung Financial Derivatives" that has propped up a made up and fairy tale Market since the early 1980's. When the penny drops, and it will, that the Financial System is nothing more than a fraudulent cesspit of manipulation, BITCOIN will be well on it's way to +$1m..!! Stephen

Based on the US national debt alone Bitcoin would be $1,000,000. Not including money supplies, bonds, debts, stock markets, real estate and derivatives worldwide. Just the US national debt alone. BTW, just curious, why did you flag Roger Ver?

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