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RE: Our Bitcoins Will Be Taken/Frozen By the Miners; Involuntary INCOME Tax on Frozen Bitcoin!

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

BTC is literally dead if this is ever to happen.

Nope. Legacy Bitcoin will come alive and go to $2 million in 2020 because of “this”. Core Bitcoin will go to ~$0.

Precisely Why Bitcoin Is Re-accelerating

One chart can blow your fucking mind!

If 99% of people went on board with the deception soft-fork then it's not deception anymore it's the real deal.

Absolutely incorrect.

What happens when a group of retards tie all their shoelaces together in retarded groupthink? They perish. And the productive world moves on without them.

Delusion + delusion = delusion ≠ reality

I was climbing the stair to the fourth floor in one of the quad houses one day, to visit some friends. A girl stepped onto the landing, saw me, and turned white as a sheet. I said something obvious along the lines of “Why are you looking at me like that?”

She started to babble something about last week when she was studying, looking outside at the quad and seeing me walk by “...and the leaves were following you!”

Your huge upvotes on my blogs have been much appreciated.

But frankly you’re just incredibly naive and entirely incorrect. I must be frank and honest with you. Read the linked discussion with @valued-customer and please read carefully.

You seems smart but did you had anyone technically knowledgeable like a core dev bothered to respond to your concern?

They are the idiots who created this scam. I have been in numerous technical arguments with those dip-shits.

I suggest you read the opinion of someone who has ~1 million Bitcoins. I wrote:

All because self-important “power rangers” we-can-change-reality-to-fit-our-cartoon-fantasies delusions.


In re Bitcoin Devs are idiots


Why MP is your God.


Some hours ago, Satoshii posted to the original, meanwhile supplanted and therefore disused, mailing list. The post reads :

I have been following the recent block size debates through the mailing list. I had hoped the debate would resolve and that a fork proposal would achieve widespread consensus. However with the formal release of Bitcoin XT 0.11A, this looks unlikely to happen, and so I am forced to share my concerns about this very dangerous fork.

[Hearn is a shitstain] The developers of this pretender-Bitcoin claim to be following my original vision, but nothing could be further from the truth. When I designed Bitcoin, I designed it in such a way as to make future modifications to the consensus rules difficult without near unanimous agreement. Bitcoin was designed to be protected from the influence of charismatic leaders, even if their name is Gavin Andresen, Barack Obama, or Satoshi Nakamoto. Nearly everyone has to agree on a change, and they have to do it without being forced or pressured into it. By doing a fork in this way, these developers are violating the "original vision" they claim to honour.

[MP was right] They use my old writings to make claims about what Bitcoin was supposed to be. However I acknowledge that a lot has changed since that time, and new knowledge has been gained that contradicts some of my early opinions. For example I didn't anticipate pooled mining and its effects on the security of the network. Making Bitcoin a competitive monetary system while also preserving its security properties is not a trivial problem, and we should take more time to come up with a robust solution. I suspect we need a better incentive for users to run nodes instead of relying solely on altruism.

[Fuck reddit] If two developers can fork Bitcoin and succeed in redefining what "Bitcoin" is, in the face of widespread technical criticism and through the use of populist tactics, then I will have no choice but to declare Bitcoin a failed project. Bitcoin was meant to be both technically and socially robust. This present situation has been very disappointing to watch unfold.

Satoshi Nakamoto

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