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RE: Steem Bounty - Is Bitcoin a Chaos Proxy? Share Your Thoughts and Get Rewarded

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

More than chaos, it is the continuation of the unnatural scarcity paradigm.

But it seems to me that the cryptocurrency phenomenon is bringing to light the creation of Fiat money from thin air, and this could be good... do you agree? ;)


I think crypto speeds up the process of people gaining financial literacy, which is a good thing :-)

Fiat money creation is not the only problem, also in the crypto space 'money' is created out of thin air. The fact that fiat money is debt-backed is a much bigger issue and unpredictability of additional supply of fiat money might be more scary.

I perfectly agree with you!

I became utopian freeworlder when I have reached awareness of the colossal scam of the debt currency, which benefits a small handful of greedy parasites. ;)

P.s.: Sorry for delayed answer, but unfortunately I was out of bandwidth! :(

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