Today is my Steemit birthday =)

in #birthday7 years ago (edited)

That's right! I've been on Steemit for exactly 1 year today.

How did I find out about Steemit?

I was already into cryptocurrencies and bought a few cents worth of STEEM without even knowing what it was about. It took me like 2 months to look it up and when I realized it was related to social media I felt compelled to create an account.

What's the best thing about Steemit?

The best thing in my opinion is just knowing that I have something that can help me in case of emergency, money wise. I've gone hungry and homeless, I know how uncomfortable uncertainty can be. Even though I have a job other than the work I do for my blog it still helps knowing that if anything were to happen I have means to recover quickly thanks to my savings on this site.

What's the second best thing about Steemit?

If everyone knew how good it feels to help others we'd live in a very different world. But sometimes you can't help others even if you want to because you don't have the means. Steemit has given me the power to help many with the click of a button.

What would I recommend to newcomers?

Be genuine and only contribute to the subjects that you are really interested in. It's not so much about quantity but quality. Be persistent, don't ever let low payouts discourage you.

What is one thing I've learned using Steemit for a year?

The biggest shocker has been realizing the extent in that software can affect our personalities and emotions. I already knew the other social media accounts I was using were affecting me negatively, but didn't know just how much until I stopped using them. Now I understand why there is a culture of nasty around the Internet, there is no incentive to be polite or thoughtful.

What is one thing that can be improved in Steemit?

We need the ability to Follow and Mute tags. You may enjoy it when a user speaks about certain subjects but others not so much. That's why I think not only we should keep the ability to follow and mute people, but we should also be able to follow/mute certain topics.

Where do I see Steemit in 10 years?

I really don't want to speculate that far into the future, but in 5 years Steemit could easily be at the level of the social media giants. In 10-15 years knowledge of Steem, at the very least its usage, could be a requirement for most of the workforce.

Anything else?

Yes, just one more thing. If you still don't know that Steem is the most promising blockchain in the cryptocurrency space right now, then you need to create your account ASAP and stop pretending that you are up to date with the latest.



Happy steemit birthday man! It's been enjoyable interacting with you on here.

It's not so much about quantity but quality.

Agreed! Sometimes I still give short responses to people cause I can't think of much to say, but.. I think it's healthy to actively try to be as thoughtful and detailed as possible, and steemit sort of helps me in that more than normal I guess.. I try to do that already anyways.. But.. Perhaps the incentives you mentioned help.. Hmm.. Which brings me to the next response to what you said..

Now I understand why there is a culture of nasty around the Internet, there is no incentive to be polite or thoughtful.

There's a lot of truth to this! And I think this is why I've experienced so few trolls and nasty people on here.. Cause of that incentive.. BUT.. Should there really be an incentive other than the qualities themselves?
People should be good just to be good and not cause they get paid, but I admit.. It does help.. It clearly does have a real effect.

We need the ability to Follow and Mute tags.

Good idea.

In 10-15 years knowledge of Steem, at the very least its usage, could be a requirement for most of the workforce.

Why would you see it being a requirement exactly? Just curious.

Also I think it could be mainstream in like 5 years, but to compete with numbers like Facebook of 2 billion active users.. I dunno.. I think a lot of those people just use it to talk to family and money never enters their mind, so to get those kinds of people over here.. Will be a hurdle. But.. I would think eventually.. Almost everyone would be on a social media that has such options and I personally think when steemit gets bigger that Facebook and others will get nervous and ADD the ability for people to donate to each other or something like that more than they already do.. If Facebook added some features like steemit has in regards to paying people for their posts and easy money sharing.. They could remain on top unfortunately.. So let's hope they remain dumb in a sense, lol. I'd like to see steemit or another social media topple them from the top.

I think it's sad that a lot of people need incentive to be mindful, but maybe they need to experience life with this behavior so they realize it works out for the better. People have incentive to think before speaking when others are around because they know pain, they know if they cause pain to others then others could try to cause pain to them in return. I also don't think the negative incentive is very good. But online people think what they say have no consequences, I prefer them working towards good reactions than working towards avoiding bad reactions out of fear.

Facebook is trying, I noticed they added some payment options and the ability to create donations campaigns. The reason I think knowing about Steemit could be a requirement is because FB pretty much is a requirement nowdays and that site is not even that good. There is a lot of incentive around development, many young programmers are starting to think in terms of how they can profit building aound Steem.

A big happy birthday to you on your 1 year , man the battle was rough at the start but you worked your way up to success and congrats for that

Happy birthday, dude. I'm a newbie hope the next year I'll make the same post as yours :)

This is great! I have noticed many of these things and only been on Steemit for five months. Now I am up to 439 followers and you were one of my original!

Congratulations and happy Steem birthday mate!

That is some good advice to newcomers. I like your optimism. Cheers!

Congratulations from Venezuela!! I wish you the best

happy birthday
Congratulations and successes

Happy born day @tommycordero steem account

wow its been a long time here :) great congratulations.

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