It's My "IRL" Birthday... Turned 29! AKA "Where the F*CK Did My Youth Go?!"

in #birthday7 years ago (edited)

Looks like I've turned 29 today.. Enjoying a night to myself coding over some gin and juice. Seemingly my hairs begun to turn grey in the past few months, not sure if stress related or if I'm actually starting to become a grey bush, nearly impossible for me to tell really.

Roughly at Mid Point of My Life Expectancy

Birthdays have always been a time of reflection for ole @KLYE.. Another rotation around the sun marks yet another year of life experience passed and with it many new things learned.

The past year of my life overall has been friggin' amazing for lack of a better term, while I've faced my fair share of ups and downs overall I cannot remember a time in my life where I felt as comfortable in my own skin as I do now. Our STEEM network is in part to thank for this overwhelming explosion of growth I've seen in the past year, for the first time in my life I've not been forced to obsess over money (or rather the lack their of), finding work, feeling lonely or living as a derelict outcast. Incredibly grateful for the opportunities that have been laid out in front of me as well as the chance to grow into a respectable person.

Life wasn't always good, but given the right chance anyone can shine...
I'm proof of that.

A once wreckless and insensitive individual has slowly morphed into someone I never thought I'd be. While I'm still a wee bit much for some with my eccentric nature, foul language and degenerate MS-paint dick drawings the fact of the matter is over this past year immense personal growth has taken place in nearly all aspects of my life. While I do miss the carefree days of not giving a damn about anything which my younger years afforded me a certain calmness and tranquility has started to inhabit a once twisted & tormented soul.

Still have a long ways to go before this journey is over likely, but look forward to it more so than I have my entire life up till this point. Thanks to everyone who's been here for me.


for Witness!


Happy Birthday KLYE !!!!!!

Happy Birthday Kyle.. Reading your Article, I can imagine how you feel, having not to do things you wished you could have done earlier. Anyways Its your Birthday and most importantly, you still have Live, you can always have them planned out and Done.

Thank you

I've lived a very full life actually for the most part.. I've been broke, homeless and defeated a few times in my past.. My life is only now just starting to look like something worth living. Hopefully I can eek out atleast another lifetime worth of years.

Finally its your birthday.

Happy Birthday Dude
Best Wishes :)

Thanks! Have a gooder.

Blazxskdajdhay !!!!! I'm Crzy Now!!

Another year older, another year wiser!
Glad to hear things have been going so well for you.
I can only hope that they get even better!
You've been a great person since I've known you and I've only ever wished you success and happiness.

Shit, I remember the first time I ever met you, back on JD those few short years ago.. I could tell by how you spoke and carried yourself that you had very much potential, especially in the crypto world.. and here we are! You've found the type of success that most people can only hope for online. :)

Glad to have you as part of the online community here at steemit as well.
Just wouldn't be the same without ya!

Much love @KLYE !

Here's to another (hopefully more, obviously..) 29 years!

P.S. - The community will never get tired of your MS-Paint dick drawings! Never too old to enjoy the simple things in life! ;)

Very much appreciate the comment kainmarx.. It's been a hell of a ride for damn sure.

I don't consider myself a great or good person.. But have over the years learned to be less of a loser it seems.

The JD days were a time of great laziness and learning for me. I incubated there until I had the belief in myself to become something greater.. A bit of a late bloomer but none the less I stand before you today an evolved KLYE. Seemingly always found a way to stand out from the crowd and I'm glad the folks at JD took me for what I was and kept me going up until I found my calling in life.

Always humbles me to connect with folks who knew of me in my pre-STEEM era. You guys know more so than anyone the holes I've had to dig myself out of and I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.

Cheers my friend, thank you for believing in ole KLYE long before he knew what his potential was.


Happy birthday bro. You are such a wonderful person man. Have a blast!

Thank you man, You are the best verification assistant I could have hoped for!

If I ever think of all the things I didn't do in my life (because I am scared or for whatever reason), I start thinking YOLO (but in a positive and not slutty way haha). It might help you to be working on the better you while not feeling old haha. (I see you like to reflect ) so do what you want or feel like, as long as you make a note to yourself that you are absoluetly sure you want to do it. That way you (hopefully) wont regret things in your life :) It helps me do what I want haha without regetting it.

LOL. It's funny you mention this. I had a YOLO moment earlier today which ended up quite satisfying.

I think the feeling old comes from the years of neglecting myself finally starting to show, still very young at heart but a bit wiser and more controlled than I once was. I regret very few things in my life, it's all been experience which for the most part I chose directly or indirectly.


That's good to hear :)

Haha ! Your getting old my friend ! LOL! Kidding ! Happy belated , sorry have not been keeping up with a lot people!e on here been so busy since returning to work !! Glad to see your still going strong !! Keep up the great work 👍👍👍

Happy Birthday! 🎂

Also 29 is young. You're still in your 20s!!!!

Thanks Choo!

You think so? <3

You're not old until you hit 30 and then once you hit 30 you can declare you're still young at heart which means you're not old until you hit 40, and well once you hit 50 you're just sh!t out of luck.

Happy birthday you old bastard.

Hahahaha, Thank you for the strategy and laugh my friend!

Happy birthday you Canuck, best wishes from a kiwi.
You still have many more years to go yet, suggest you give up the gin, it is a depressing drink, go south of the border down kentucky way, a much better taste.
In one of your comments you were worried about ending up in nappies, at least the carer will have a handle to lift you up with.

Ah, Gin is the nectar of the gods. Doesn't depress me as some claim it does.. In fact the opposite!
Appreciate the kiwi birthday wishes! Bahahahah. No nappies for this guy! good joke though. XD

all you want now is some Babe to practice on you now, then you won't need the gin, and live happily forever and ever.

Happy birthday! I just followed you :)

Thanks for the follow and birthday wishes!

Hope it was awesome!

Happy birthday man. Hope you have your diapers finished by now ;-)

Not into cocktails but cheers anyway. 🍻
Where do we sign up for the cake?

We start in diapers and end up in diapers assuming we live long enough to become so useless as to not be able to wipe our own asses or be able to make it to the bathroom.. That terrifies me more than death.

Cake signup.. Damnit I forgot about that part.

Let's just be happy we have diapers.

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