Facial hair is not fashion

in #biology7 years ago (edited)

And it's sad that someone many would think wasn't meant to have a beard has to remind males of its great importance.

I see a lot of propaganda about beards coming into fashion because of their rarity and going out of fashion because more men are embracing themselves and they are now so common that there's no rarity appeal.

Before that, while the Internet was going crazy over the increasing trend I saw a lot of propaganda about hygiene and anything that would make men think twice about just letting it be.

It seems people are losing sight of the fact that beards are not decoration, they are part of the face, and while everyone has a choice on whether to run knives through it to get rid of it temporarily, if there is any fashion aspect to beards it would be the act of removing them.

Just got through speaking to this guy on FB who said I couldn't comment on his thread because I guess he felt that what I was saying is dumb, but he's the one studying to be a doctor and suggesting the only consequence to removing your facial hair is that people will perceive you differently. He thinks of it as an evolutionary leftover, I guess because he's too young to have experienced any significant change from having and not having one...and we're not even talking about all the damage to the skin from shaving it.

There's plenty of information available about how this feature helps us out there for those who are really interested, and if you want to know just stop cutting it. I'm not going to list all the benefits of leaving your face alone, they are out there. I just find it crazy that someone born female has to remind males about the importance of this feature, hair is not decoration for men or women.

Gosh, I seriously don't miss Facebook. People have no incentive to remain polite or even thoughtful.


From what I have learned being a pre-med student is that we used hair as a way of trapping in heat and yes we do not have as much as a rabbit but it did the job and thats why we are getting less hairier and the hairs on our extremities are thinning. For men and their beards I read that it actually provides antimicrobial properties in a way our nose hairs do and that it traps bacteria before entering mouths. :o I see it as just a natural adaptation and its just part of our bodies and I don't see it as a fashion trend or anything.

I told him that when our bodies don't need the hair it will go away on its own, evolution will eliminate the trait. But he insists that it's a leftover and that technology has all the needs hair would provide for covered.

I told him that if we bypass the body and use technology invented by us instead of the tech our body created, then if this new tech becomes absent our bodies will be exposed (many generations ahead). What I fear is that we are making ourselves more vulnerable. His response was that if we ever come to need hair again evolution will bring it back...

I understand where your coming from and that if we lose it then what happens if we need it later? I don't think its leftover but I think it is slowly becoming less expressed because we have adapted to different climate and etc. I don't know about evolution bringing back a trait such as hair but I think were not completely eliminating it. I guess we won't be too sure until further in the future and compare :)

It's not a leftover, it helps with everything from climate control to impacts and even bugs. Some men even go as far as to attribute emotions to its presence, saying they feel more centered and calmed. But that last thing may be because of the cleaner air and the healthier skin ;)

It may be a leftover compared to how much we had before, but it still has many reasons to be and that's why it's still there.

Some beards keep others warm as well

The only downside is the hair that ends up on the floor.
Babies don't usually lie :p

I had a beard when I was younger and to be honest I felt better when I shaved it off. I somehow felt freer when I didn't had a lump of hair stuck on my face. I don't know about any medical benefits or whatever but I think it all comes down to personal preference at the end of the day.

I never thought I would be talking about facial hair on Steemit! This platform never ceases to amaze me! :-)

Try growing it for at least a year and you shouldn't notice you have a beard, then shave it and you should be able to tell the difference if you didn't notice while it was growing.

Oh yeah, if there wasn't diversity of subjects in Steemit I would had left a long time ago.

I think my wife would veto me growing a beard now. It would come out all white and Santa Clausy. Make me look a million years old. :-D

Or a million years wiser ;)

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