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RE: How Cell Membranes Form Spontaneously

in #biology7 years ago

DNA may be like computer codes (binary 0s and 1s, except it is quartenary ACTG coding). Back in the days of IBM 384s and Apple IIs, the computing power was enormously underwhelming that programming codes were always elegantly stripped of unnecessary entries. In this era of cheap processing power, codes have become cumbersome and obtuse. It is understandable evolution, since time expended streamlining codes can be used elsewhere, now processing power of these computers make elegance irrelevant.

I wonder if prokayote plasmids are littered with "junk" DNA, as eukaryote DNA. Mitochondria and endoplasmic riticula have made elegant coding irrelevant in eukaryotes, much like IBM Big Blue have made streamlining a waste of time.

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