Is miscegenation in humans a good idea?

in #biology5 years ago (edited)


Coming from a family of horticulturists I have often wondered and researched deeply into the genetic consequences of intermixing heirloom plant strains.

Having questioned the authenticity of Darwinian theory this wonder also expanded to humans.

It's a confusing dichotomy. If one breeds with his or her sibling, genetic defects are emphasized, amplified, and concentrated rendering the children radically disadvantaged, if alive and breathing at all.

Since genetic inbreeding has such severe consequences, outbreeding to the furthest extent possible must be the natural solution, right?

Most are familiar with inbreeding, or "inbreeding depression", but the lecturer in the fantastic video below, Dr. Edward Dutton, presents a concept I had searched for but was unfamiliar with: "outbreeding depression".

In plants, first generation hybrids can do exceedingly well in certain conditions while second generation hybrids (called F2 hybrids) often perform poorly and carry unpredictable traits and characteristics.

I questioned, if we take so much care to isolate and carry on our heirloom strains of plants, why would humans be any different? Why is the mainstream entertainment monopoly (which is clearly evil to some degree) so persistent in their suggestion of creating hybrid children?

Keep in mind the maximal genetic difference present in humans is much greater than the maximal genetic difference present in gray wolves, for instance, yet gray wolves are comprised of 37 subspecies. If humans were categorized correctly without the inclusion of political or ideological leanings, perhaps a similar or at least greater than "1" range of taxonomic classifications would be expected. Perhaps suggesting mixed-race children are subspecies hybrids in the previous paragraph is not far off the mark.

I have often wondered why Central America suffers from the highest murder rates in the world. Might, perhaps, the high levels of genetic admixture play a role?

El Salvador, Honduras, and Venezuela are the murder capitals of the world and are also highly intermixed regions, genetically speaking, and this mixing occurred very recently from the perspective of an evolutionary timescale. Connection?

These issues have been in my mind for several years, partly due to the catastrophic collapse in femininity of most white Western women (a potential solution being to consider other, less affacted races as long-term partners), partly due to friends of mine committing suicide - all of which were mixed-race, and partly due to the clear agenda promoting racial admixture by enteties with which the common person's best interests are not in mind.

In the midst of a society where a 50% divorce rate has become the norm, many men opt for a way out through the allure of a still-feminine 1st generation immigrant. Such a choice still fails to address a similar collapse of masculinity in society, and is likely a less than an ideal solution at best, from a genetic and mental health perspective.

For a full understanding watch:


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