I have some Pinecones from the largest living tree on the planet, the 2500 year old General Sherman Tree from my childhood visits to Sequoia national Park. + photos of the worlds oldest tree and largest living organism (a fungus in oregon!).

in #biology7 years ago (edited)

As a kid I visited the largest tree on earth in sequoia national park. A giant sequoia named general sherman tree that is 2500+ years old, older than Jesus Christ so I am holding the seeds of a plant that's been alive for over 2500 years and is I believe the largest organism on earth if you don't count a network of mushrooms in a Oregon or Washington forest. It's also not the tallest tree in the world, that's a Giant Redwood called apex in redwood national park but General Sherman is biggest by volume! Such an honor to have found these seeds! They look viable but maybe not what do you guys think? I have tried growing saplings here in san diego before but now I know how to grow indoor! The cannabis plants might benefit from having some giant sequoia seedlings around, maybe it's good energy for the cannabis plant to be near the DNA of the largest living plant on Earth! Oh Maybe I can genetically engineer a splice between a cannabis seed and a giant sequoia seed! That's been one of my dreams and maybe Crispr cas9 genetic engineering can help me do this! I want to just see giant nugs the size of a bicycle falling from 300 feet in the air, just smashing on the ground, trichomes the size of quarter, just giant THC crystals, ready to dab with right off the plant! hah imagine a Giant Sequoia trees that produce massive THC filled flowers!

No I did not have to climb the tree to get the pinecones! This was around 2003 I believe and they were just on the ground and I was with my friends Joshua and Jordan and their mom and we just kicked these pinecones around beneath our feet and i thought to just save a couple! And I read that the pinecones only ever produce seedling after a fiore anyway so I didnt't disturb the ecosystem but I don't recommend taking things from National Parks ;) but I was 15 and I will be raising awareness for these amazing organisms now! We were there at night and we could see the stars and I remember watching a satellite in orbit fly across the sky and it was SUCH a cool symbolic moment of being in the 21st century world of technology AND nature up in the Sierra Nevadas where the Giant Forest is this world of pure quartz crystal clear water super clean air amazing canyons!

It was like this! This place is so magical at night with the milky way stars in the sky with this Tree older than jesus towering over, (except theres no lights on them like this heh)

(This is the General Grant Tree, also very large almost as big as General Sherman (Funny how they were all named after Civil War generals as this place was settled and explored in late 1800s and thank God for Teddy Roosevelt, the first true Conservationist! We need the Bull Moose Party again! )

We humans are like Ants on these Trees

Giant Seqouia seedlings are able to take root and grow months after a fires like shown in this photo, many plants require fire as part of their growth cycle.

Giant Sequoias need the fire to make room for them and the Giant Sequoias are also very fire resistant so other trees burn while they just sit there chillin. But after lightning strikes, they can still burn from the inside out like the Giant Sequoia known as the "California tree" that caught on fire and firefighters climbed up the tree and put the hose down into the center like a big hollow tube and sprayed water down inside the tree!

Here is Kings canyon, the lesser known sister park right next to Sequoia National Park (Giant Sequoias are found in Sequoia National Park in West central California in the Sierra nevadas and up in Yosemite to the North and on the pacific coastal range north of Santa Cruz, and go up to north of san francisco like Humboldt, Redwood national park, those are all technically Sequoias, redwoods that is, but the GIANt sequoias are the big ones! But the tall redwoods happen to be the TALLEST trees the Sequoias are biggest by volume and i believe they are ALMOST the oldest trees but there are a few living trees older than the 2000+ year old Giant Sequoias.

The oldest living tree in the world is a Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) in the California White Mountains, iuts 5,062 years old. So the oldest living tree is ALSO in California! Making me believe California just supports life better than anywhere else! Why else would we have the biggest tallest and oldest living things on the planet? (Another reason we have to have the world's best pollution standards and we should do more to protect our oceans and clean the pacific trash vortex) And here is a photo of the oldest living Tree in the world I have no go visit it and get some seeds or cuttings!

How epic would that be to have a clone of the oldest living tree on Earth and the biggest! Ill grow them next to my Cannabis plants to inspire them ;) But the LARGEST living thing on the planet Earth goes to our neighbors in the north oregon! (which is just a continuation of Northern California honestly! Its all within the imaginary state of "Cascadia!". But this giant fungus is actually a network of Mushrooms and Fungus mycelium that measured 2 and a half miles across and is named Armillaria solidipes and it lives in a forest in Oregon's Blue Mountains. Here is a photo fthese "honey mushrooms" (not as impresive as the Giant Seqouias but still takes the crown for largest living organism as the entire network is of the same genetic material and communicates and coordinates itself as one organism.

And here is the world's tallest tree! a redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) named Hyperion, it is 115.72 meters of 379.7 feet tall!

I hope you enjoyed these photos of nature that always inspire me! i should be taking a trip to Sequoia soon so I can steemit blog from there! Last time I visited we did not have smartphones or mobile internet yet so now it will be very fun to get to live blog and make videos from such a beautiful place! can't wait to go back!

Such a great feeling walking around these Giant Forests! the air is SO clean and the streams are SO clear and the air smells SO GOOD the soil is SO fertile I would love to get some to grow cannabis with cannabis would grow so perfectly here its why they grow so well up in Humboldt where redwoods also grow! (And redwoods are Sequoia's too)

Oh and I really do reemmbr this watering hole! I can't ait to just be on my tablet or take a photo of myself enjoying steemit while perched on these rocks, while enjoying this natural beauty around me!

And here is the desert side of Kings Canyon, called Watarrka National Park and its just amazing contrast! On one side u have green lush forests and on the nevada side its desert!

Just so nice to be up here, and get such good cell phone reception!

I really should just Drive up there or organize a 3 day trip and you can stay at cheaper motels down in Three Rivers and not worry about reservations in the park but I did get to stay at these nice hotel in the actual park after they built it and it's really fun staying in the forest at night! The sound of the insects and the smell of the fresh forest air and seeing Mt Whitney towering in the background snowcapped and a reminder of the vast Sierra Nevada mountain range in the distance, I just feel lucky that this planet has such natural beauty and that I get to live so close to it and I hope every steemit user who wants to gets to visit this place one day!

EDIT: List of Oldest Living Things, and oddly there may be some organisms that are biologically immortal like jellyfish and hydra, so who knows how old they could be? uh oh my info might be wrong then LOL but science hasnt proven that yet!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest-living_organisms My God this is crazy, a Judean Date palm sprouted from a 2000 year old seed! Oh man so my article is WRONg shit, they found SPONGES in the east china sea that are over 10,000 years old WOW https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexactinellid but they base this on a model that shows they can live 23,000 years but its hard to prove. And wow the oldest CAT lived 38 years proving a cat can outlive a person wow. And Endolith's can live 10,000 years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endolith and a colony of sea grass is thought to be 200,000 years old, and a quaking aspen tree colony is thought to be 80,000 years old and all connected to same root system but these are clones so its not technically the same organism like the giant sequoia is ONE tree that has never died. These 100,000 year old tre colonies dont really count the same way. Some trees claim to be older but wikipedia page even has the Bristlecone Pine as the oldest living tree so California still wins!

And wow here is a Map of Life Expectancy by region...maybe this is why the Sequoias and Bristlecones live so long here in California? lol no this could be economic reasons.

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@ackza - Today, I'm glad that I land at this post. Very informative. Thanks for sharing this information with steem world my friend!

Hey man I really enjoyed reading this article I love california trees. I actually was just up at the redwood forest up in Humboldt I think it was not exactly sure my sister lives in mendocino and we traveled through it to get to fort. bragg. Anyways those trees are badass we went through on you could rive through. I got some killer turquoise rocks in their gift shop and we found this one piece tree that was hollowed out so someone could live in there hd everything you need to survive. I wish I would have grabbed some pine cones because california has been my home for most of my life. I live in Washington now and I guess its illegal to bring tree seeds out the state and I was riding a plane so they would have caught me bringing on a young redwood lol. When I lived in Felton, by (santa cruz) I was homeless and lived in the redwoods everyone thought I was crazy because in the storms there would be massive widow makers that would fall all over like 12 ft long off these giant redwoods. I was lucky to not get killed. Here is a pinecone I hope to make into a knife handle soon. It looks super artsy so I might just keep it as a prototype. The turquoise white part actually glows in the dark. I should get my sister to send me some california pine cones so I can redo this project you have inspired me. Steem on man!

how does the tourqouise glow in dark?? chemical?
and is that like a pine cone fossil??

No I mixed in glow in the dark powder I got off ebay into some white paint and some epoxy and poured the entire thing into a mold with a pine cone in it.

oh wow cool yeah we should make glow in teh dark steemit stickers and keychains!

Im proud to say I have peed on both of thoes trees, gotta mark my territory..haha I seriously did though.

hahahaah seriously? well its so big that it wouldn't hurt it, and honestly I am going to do so much for this species. I am going to try finding optimal locations for them and plant whole groves of them over and over and over in so many places untill it HAS to work!

where in oregon is the oldest mushroom colonies?

A specific honey fungus measuring 2.4 miles (3.8 km) across in the Blue Mountains in Oregon is thought to be the largest living organism on Earth. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141114-the-biggest-organism-in-the-world

Shoutout to another portland resident on here!! bro where can we harvest strong ass shrooms out here?i just moved here recently . i might go exploring these blue mountains

Hey man what up, yeah for thoes, just chill until October, and November, then anywhere west of the Cascades like from Portland, and Salem and Eugene, all the way west to the coast, you will find so many mushrooms man! you will be amazed!

bet thank u man . Ima go on a hunt come October

Here is a map! I said in the article, its the Bluemountains in oregon BUT I should have added THIS image of a map showing EXACTLY wher the Humongos Fungus is if u wanna visit :)

Damn thank U! You think it's possible to harvest good edible shrooms from there? It's like a 2 hour drive for me .... i might go exploring lol

2500 fucking years?! that tree witness a lot of transformation in out planet! lucky you!

Those trees are majestic. It was awesome the amount of work you put into teaching us about them. Really enjoyed your post! :)

yes they are the MOST majestic trees we know of and ill be sure to visit soon and go up there and live steemi blog!

and yeah i knew i had to teach u all about it since i take it for granted m i forget that not everyones knows what im taling about, steemit alows people to get paid educating others, its better than school

2500 years old that is some good years

didn't know it though
Nice Capture buddy

Informative. Lucky you to have visited the oldest livingthing alive!

no no no I haven't visited the oldest tree which is in california but I will! I have only visited and have the seeds for the LARGEST Tree in the world.... if someone kills that mushroom fungus or if it dies on its own the sequoia will be the biggest, but yeah there are these bristlecone pines which are the OLDEST living things and theres a few older than this 2500 year old seqouia, theres bristlecone pines that are 4000+ years old man its crazy to have to compete with that!

Oops I mixed up. Still... great! :D

Do post about the Cali tree as well. Would love to check out the first hand experience.

Magnificent! Would love to hug that tree myself!

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