
Ah, the famous Bingo song. I haven't heard that in years. Thanks for that. I'm WAY late getting back on here, as we've been inundated with a 100 year snow storm, and I've spent the last week moving snow. Thanks for the song, and tuning in to this weeks big Bingo game. It's now over for the season. Large sigh.

We're getting more snow as well and I hear back at Toad Hall now they are getting it to, and I was hoping heading back there soon to be rid of the Midwest snow and get the New England Spring, oh well, snow is lifelong companion I suppose.

Howdee doo, so glad to hear from you. Sounds like you are up to it in the white stuff. Our big storm was a doozy for out here, but probably child's play for a true Noreastermeister. I'm pretty sure I moved a couple of tons of the stuff in the last week, with a lot of staying up all night long to do it. Think a post is in order about these wintry shenanigans.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. The Midwest has been getting hammered, though I've not talked to relatives out that way since the atmospheric river has been going through that area. What a mess, I guess. How much snow is there, where you be?
Hope your weekend is a good one, and you get back to Toad Hall soon. Cheers my friend, stay warm and dry and happy.

We just had a doozywhopper of a snow here. I love to walk about in it at night, and take photos ( I stayed up all night doing that one night...more on that lateron). I heard the Midwest is getting hammered, so might laugh at our big storm. Though at my house, ended up with 18 inches, which is MASSIVE here. And they don't call it Cascades Cement for nothing. Yikes, the stuff is heavy.
Stay warm, and dry, and keep smiling. Hope you get back to The Toad soon. And spring is just around the corner. I KNOW it, is has to be....

Oh wow! What you do with the snow? Pardon de ignorance, all I get is heat in this island 😅

I pushed it off my buildings and tarps, and left it in huge piles to freeze up and stay for another month or two. What fun. Though making snowballs for drinks is fun. Keep them in the freezer, and bring them out in summer for a sip or two. Or throw them at the neighbors, when they can't make their own snowballs to throw back. OK, maybe not. Stick to a small aperitif.
Right about last Wednesday I could have used a bit of your heat. Though I'm sure it can be oppressive now and then. And you wish for snow there, in that same now and then...

This is exactly what was in my head when I saw the post as well :) Also I love Chi's so amazing thumbnail.

It was inevitable to not think in bingo song hehe

That and sitting in a tree with the love of your life, smooching away. Ah, the classics of youthful remembrance.

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