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RE: Novacadian's Nova Scotia Biking Tours (Part 1)

in #bicycle6 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I love that you have a niche going. I wonder if there is way to stream riding a bike. I thought about mounting my iphone on a bike before and just pressing record haha. I like to map my city so I feel you on blogging your biking journeys. It's getting warmer here so I can't wait to ride around again without slush splashing everywhere. Lol


That would be cool, @omitaylor. We could start a tag #ridewithme as opposed to #walkwithme which has had much success.

I would totally do that. It warms up around mid-may here. By then I should have a mounting setup. I have an Android too so maybe that would be easier to find a mount for. I think my son has a gopro. I only know the basics of editing though. Interested in seeing what you do with your footage. Maybe I can learn by watching what you do first.

Sounds cool. Should be starting in on editting when back home in a couple of days. Will be trying Blender as my editting software.

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