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RE: Yehovah: A detail that shook my religion and changed my conversation with God.

in #bible7 years ago

Well, My long lost brother whom I had not yet met! Welcome to Steemit!

It is very nice to have your company. I hope you return soon and often. I'm sorry to be so slow in responding!

I don't have the same view on Matthew 23:39. Yeshua may return any time He wishes. When He returns, we will not be in need of teaching. We will know. That said, I do believe it will be in conjunction with the Feast of Tabernacles.

He has fulfilled the foreshadowing of the Spring Feasts in this way:

On the day that the lamb was selected for the Passover, the same day that Yeshua entered the gates of Jerusalem before the priests who were bringing the selected lamb, the people sang a Psalm.

Matthew 21:9 And those who went before him, and those who came after, gave loud cries, saying, Glory to the Son of David: A blessing on him who comes in the name of Yehovah: Glory in the highest.

Psa 118:26 A blessing be on him who comes in the name of Yehovah; we give you blessing from the house of Yehovah.

And pretty much everybody knows the rest of the story ... or so they think. But you make a new post, and we can chat about it more ;-)

When Yeshua returns again to Jerusalem, everyone will know His name and His Father's name.

Also, both Nehemiah and Keith can confirm for you that the name of Yehovah has never truly been lost.

From the King James Version Bible of 1611 (some rather ancient English): Psa_83:18 That men may knowe, that thou, whose name alone is IEHOVAH: art the most High ouer all the earth.

Isa_12:2 Behold, God is my saluation: I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord IEHOVAH is my strength and my song, he also is become my saluation.

Back then, the I was pronounced as a Y ... the I became J ... also pronounced as a Y for many many years. In some regions of the world the J is still pronounced as a Y.

Even the Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionary published in 1890 says it is pronounced
yeh-ho-vaw' and says the Hebrew looks like this יְהֹוָה ... Just as Nehemiah and his team has found it in over 1000 ancient Hebrew manuscripts.

So. There truly is a Conspiracy to hide the name of Yehovah. Which took me way too long to admit. But there's no reason for the translators to have hidden the name nearly 7000 times in the Old Testament because we knew the name. We have known the name.

Oh and yes, obviously, the Rabbi's know Yehovah's name even now. It is an admitted fact.

Tonight, I am rather ready to sleep. If you need references, I will hunt them all down for you ... tomorrow :-)

Again, it is very nice to have your company. I look forward to more discussions.

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