Yehovah: A detail that shook my religion and changed my conversation with God.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bible7 years ago

Others have all manner of gods. My God has always been the God of the Bible. Specifically, the Old Testament God; The God of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses ... David, et al. This is the same God of the New Testament who has a son called Jesus. It's a bit cumbersome to define God this way all the time.

But in so many cases I was not able to say, "Praise God" or "I'm depending on God" without a whole lot of confusion ensuing. ... So, I was asking God, "How do I say it differently so that people know immediately that my God is you?"

God answered me.

I didn't like the person telling me my answer and I actually said out loud, "What difference does it make if God has a name? He knows when we're talking to Him!"

Okay, to be honest, I was shouting in my living room (for about a month) and there may have been enough stomping about to cause the man downstairs to move to a 'recovery center.'

Then in my head, I heard, "But Marilla, you know that answers your question." So I got over myself and I paid attention.

It turns out that it's a very simple fact. God's name is יְהוָֹה. It was blotted out of the Bible nearly 7000 times when the translators decided to use "The Lord" in the text.

I've chosen to pronounce יְהוָֹה as Yehovah. This choice is especially easy in light of it's ever growing number of witnesses in Hebrew Texts and buildings and even coins.

As with all Hebrew names, Yehovah יְהוָֹה has a meaning.

Yehovah comes from the same root as Ehyeh: the hollow root HYH. Yehovah is actually a combination of three verb-forms: Hayah "he was", Hoveh "he is", and Yih'yeh "he is now and will continue to be in the future". Together Hayah, Hoveh, and Yih'yeh combine into the name Yehovah. Source: A Disastrous Misunderstanding of the Name Yehovah

Ref material

No, Nehemiah Gordon is not the only source I have considered. He is just the only source I've considered who has been deeply trained in ancient Hebrew and and and has a growing collection of historic resources that point to Yehovah in many forms (not just manuscripts), from many time periods, and from many nations.

Warning! Reading my posts may contaminate your version of reality. It's best to avoid my blog if you have an adverse reaction. I connot be held responsible for damages to your current version of reality. You have been warned. Stroll through at your own risk.

This warning is one that every post written by every person should contain. It is true with all encounters with the thoughts of other people. It is not written into every post by every author because it is a commonly understood and obvious fact. As it is the tradition of my family, I must state the obvious out loud.


Sis, this is Chris Heng from Singapore.... Your post is very very encouraging...
In our Chinese Culture, the name of our 'father' means allot --- guess we view our 'family' name as an important aspect of life... our Identify...

Now that we can identify with "Yehovah" and the way brother Nehemia has gone about bringing this out to light is amazing... (*While I do have direct contact with Ps Keith and Nehemia... I must say they are doing the best they can... and may the Holy Spirit be with them....)

What is even more amazing is the fact of Yeshua's words: Matthew 23:39
Now... the full utterance of "" Baruch Habah B'Shem YEHOVAH ""
will be a clear possibility... Yeshua is coming back again...


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