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RE: Beltane sabbath - a pagan celebration of sexuality, passion and LIFE

in #beyondtheveil6 years ago

I just made a Beltane Blessings post myself, but mine is not this lovely in depth analysis but a photosession around my blooming neighbourhood. Well done! lovely post, lots of info and loved your picture with the broom in green, green is the colour now for sure :) Wearing green all times myself :) Beltane Blessings
the waking of the sring - by Priscilla Hernandez (


Yeah, I really like that picture but there is an even better one where I have jumped in the air and it looks like I am flying on a broom :D
Thank you for your kind words, have a blessed and joyful Beltane honey 💚💚💚

I have a good friend that make ceremonial bessom brooms, so pretty. I am not wicca. I am very spiritual in my own way though due to my experience with tle and sleep paralysis, but most of my best friends actually are. They always tell me, flock of the same feather... Lol
Post it want to see you in flight!
Loved your article

I am not a Wicca either, even though a lot of people think I am ;)
I will post that picture someday, do not worry

Same here... But then I hike all cloaked with a pointy hat haha so that might be why. Not even joking. My best friends are pagan. And I ibserve them worshipping Nature which I do. I love myths, legends and fantasy. And I have a wild problem of visualization I convey into art. But I bet if we were close we would be hugging trees and dancing in the woods.

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