Beyond Mystery Door...A journey of the mind

A journey of the mind...

He was but a mere traveler, weary from the roads. He'd traveled the high roads, the low roads and all in between. Never a destination as a target, the destination was where he finally found himself. He'd been traveling for so long, yet had no idea how long, hours turned into days, days into weeks.

Finally tired of the endless journey, he sought a refuge, somewhere to lay his weary bones, if not just to recuperate for a short time, and that was when he came across the mystery door. He approached cautiously, and with apprehension, this door, appearing as if out of nowhere, yet in plain sight, for all to see, he wondered what lies behind the mystery door?


Easing the door open, an inch at a time, and yet he had no reason why he felt as he did. It was a door, a plain and simple door, yet he felt, no, he knew, opening this door was going to be something life-changing for him. The door finally opened, he entered, into a darkness that wouldn't and seemed couldn't emit any light. A darkness you could almost cut with a knife. Then a sound from within the darkness, music, such as he had never heard. Almost angelical. A sweetness and at the same time hypnotizing, drawing him in further into the darkness inside.

Slowly, cautiously, he ventured into the darkness, and then he saw a dim light appearing. He approached the light as it becomes brighter, the music becoming louder. that's when he saw her... A beauty of a woman if he ever saw one. She was playing the piano and singing to her fingering the pianos keys. The room was dimly lit, and as he gazed from her to around the room, he saw it was much like an old western saloon. A bar to the left, a few rough tables and chairs, but the room, to him, was empty but only for her.

He approached her, and as she looked up and saw him, she was slightly startled, yet managed a brief smile, and continued with her singing and playing. Not a word between them, as though they were communicating solely by thought alone. Finally finishing the tune, she stopped, and reached out for his hand, she led him off into more darkness, till they reached what would be a small kitchen.

Still not a word was spoken between the two, and she prepared and fed him a feast. Meat, vegetables, a cool glass of red wine, and finally a slice of pie for dessert. The silence was deafening, but at the same time comforting. Finishing his meal, he was about to speak, and she gently placed a hand over his lips, grabbing him by the hand once again, and leading him into more darkness, till they reached a room with a small bed.

Silently removing her clothes, and she motioned for him to do the same. Their two bodies entwined as one, making love as if their mere existence depended upon it. Reaching new heights till they both climaxed at the same time, both laid side by side and finally drifted off to sleep.

He awoke, laying at the bottom of a small ravine, feeling sick, and his head pounding. He tenderly felt his head and found a bump about the size of an egg. He checked his body out and found a few bruises and scratches. He finally found the strength to rise and brushed himself off, finally realizing that what lay behind that mystery door, was but a figment of his imagination from his unconsciousness. It has always amazed him how the mind can take you on the most wonderful of journeys, but he never thought a mere fall could be such an adventure... #behindmysterydoor

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Thank you for having it, gave me a little challenge, instead of just vegatating, I had something to make me use my mind for better things! :)

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