How did I get involved with Dash and why ? (my story)

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

It all started about 2 years ago. I heard about bitcoin, by then it was pretty much to late to start mining BTC with GPU.

So I was looking for other currencys that had potential.

Main things I was looking for in the currency:

  • Security
  • Decentralise
  • Anonymity option.
  • Some kind of goal / roadmap with the currency

Somehow I found Dash, don't remember how. I started reading all the forums, their website. Pretty much all info I could find.
If I googled Dash I didn't find much, alot about dashboards and other stuff :P

What caught my attention with Dash ?

  • Privacy
  • Security (strong network)
  • Decentralised
  • Instant-X transactions
  • A great team behind it
  • Owning an own masternode and be part of the network and able to vote for future prodjects
  • Getting an passive income by running a Masternode my self

So I pretty much sold of all my altcoins and focused on getting as much Dash as possible.
I Also started mining Dash for ½ year then the ASIC miners came and took over.

I really badly wanted my own masternode, getting payments in Dash every week seemed like a good deal to me.
Started counting on how much it would cost to get these 1000 Dash, by then it was totally 2000 USD.

I thought this is crazy, 2000 USD is pretty big investment and I might loose it all.
But I went on with getting these Dash by buying BTC @ localbitcoins, it was kinda sweaty but I trusted the seller and bought the amount of BTC in 4 rounds.

Finally I had all the BTC I needed so moved on to bittrex and started to exchange for Dash.

It was a relief that all went well getting these Dashes into my own wallet.

Now I had to get my Ubuntu VPS up and running, something that I've never done befor. Found some really good guides on Dash forum and after a few hours my own masternode was up and running.

Went to Dashninja (Masternode monitoring) to make sure it was running as It should. And there my Dash node were with approximately 2200 others, today I belive its around 4300 Masternodes.

Got my first payment in a couple of days, think it was about 4 Dash back then and the feeling was great! :)

That's my story behind Dash, hope you enjoyed it!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!



DASH is far from anon. I have looked into it extensively. The closest things next to anon cash in the crypto space are Monero (XMR) and Zcash ($ZEC) - both bringing several innovations to the blockchain space cryptography wise.

They have mixing service called DarkSend built into wallet. And their main goal aint full privacy, so yes ZEC and Monero is to prefer if u want more privacy.

That's brilliant. So since you've been running the node, what's been your average weekly payout?

Thanks alot :) I'm getting a weakly income around 2 Dash = ~19.80 USD. And paying 6 USD for VPS each month :)

That's great! Wait hang on, it's not even your computer or electric being used to run the node?!

Yeah :) no just renting a Virtual Private Server, so it's working as a node 24/7

I love it! I looked at doing this, but it would have been around $10K at the time to invest & I thought it was too big a risk for not enough payout. I mined Ethereum for a while, but I've earned more on Steemit posting in 2 months than 6 months of mining Ether (and this is far more fun!)

Nice to hear! :) Yeah I would not invest today hehe to much money, maybe hold on to some Dash. Next year I believe Dash Evolution will be released (like a paypal service) And steemit is great! Learn and see so many amazing post everyday!

And payments goes to my local wallet on my own computer.

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SBD 2.43