E163 2016-07-08 Beyond Bitcoin - Peerplays, Gridcoin, Cylonmaker2053's Investing Course & more!

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

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Covered this hangout:

#1 Peerplays weekly update -- For more info, visit Peerplays News/Contact Site

#2 Gridcoin Introduction -- Offer your support by upvoting the following #steemit Gridcoin Post

#3 Cylonmaker2053's Introduction of BitShares and Steem into his undergrad investing course and trading competition!

#4 Speculation and opinions on Dan Larimer's proposal to improve Steem -- weigh in on the conversation at the following #steemit Link


Some of those links dont seem to go anywhere

thank you for letting me know. I will look into why. What i do know is that I put the links in correctly--wonder if it is a bug.


Odd...this is very odd man. the above is where the link directs people, but I never put the steemit.com/beyondbitcoin/@officialfuzzy part into the link....

Seems no matter what I do, these links redirect me to a page that does not exist on steemit...

Ok-- update. Looks like you cannot use shortened urls in links on steemit. additionally you cannot simply type in www.xyz.com and have it take you directly there. Instead it seems you must have the full address (ie http:/www.peerplays.com/news/ as opposed to www.peerplays.com)

Hey, you missed out the after-hour chat. The most lively part.

Oh...the afterparty? Where we talk about anything and everything including current events and other crazy stuff? Good point. Perhaps I should consider posting them. They definitely are fun :)

Good Podcast

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