⭐️ "Nachtfalterin" (Moth)

in #bescouted7 years ago (edited)


Graphite pencil, acrylics and oil on reverse side of glass. Added to my BeScouted picture gallery, where you can get a quick view of a selection of my work.


See more of my art on Sola


WOW!! This grabs your eyes. That moth is awesome. I love the expression. The colors are vivid and soft. The detail behind the head creats a good frame for the face. Very pleasant to look at. Great work!

Many thanks to you for your detailed observation! :-)

Her eyes are mesmerizing and I love the humour in the grin of the robotron moth. The lace doily background is so delicate and lovely.

robotron moth... I'll have to remember that! Always very thankful, for your kind compliments.

You might like this one, I'm definitely going to check it out!

Awesome, i love that kind of mix between nouveau and steampunk style, and that moth with that kind of joker face, which are super contrastant with that innocent face of her. really like it

Good eye, I must say and well described as well! Thank you :-)

grossartige Farben! Der Nachtfalter aus seinen mechanischen/organischen Teilen ist dir gelungen!

Danke sehr. Die mechanischen Teile mache ich besonders gern! :-)

Wow this is amazing!

Thanks a lot :-)

very good. Your style would be surrealism ??

I think you could call it that, although today, here it would likely be more "phantastic art"

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